I’m looking for Purple Cat Toque! Deluxe Members can buy it, just so you know!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives I’m looking for Purple Cat Toque! Deluxe Members can buy it, just so you know!

This topic contains 30 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 11 years, 9 months ago.

  • Author
  • #706158

    Hey! I’m looking for the Purple Cat Toque, now available as a Deluxe Advantage in the KinzStyle Outlet, tell me what you want, Please be reasonable, i was trading with someone who wanted really rare clothes and furniture for it…. PLEASE BE REASONABLE! i need as many as i can get. PLEASE REPLY ASAP! Thanks! CrazyCooter, out!

    1. #706253


      I’ll send you one! Add me at PomJazz! :) ~SS

    2. #706198

      I can send you one, just add me at Angel118576! DQ00

    3. #706191

      Hi! I can send three of those hats if you friend pigcow35. Do you think you could get me a bloomin fridge from the wshop? PLMK

      • #706515


        Hi frog, do you need those fridges? I can send some, I have a glitch and can only send one at a time, so I’ll send from other accounts. Happy food collecting, DF

        • #706546

          DF—Oh, thanks for the offer but i was really only looking to get them for fin. I’m not a food collector but she is.

          • #706573


            OOPs, well, just send the items I sent to fin. Glad I didn’t send one from each account, LOL TTYL Frog, DF

    4. #706188


      CCCCC- First off I love ur user name :) I’m sure there will be many willing to help you out. I’m kats2003 in WW add me, not looking for anything in return.

    5. #706187


      Hi crazycoooter, just send me a friend request clo91 and I’ll be more than happy to send it to you. If you want all the deluxe outlet clothes, just friend me at clo92 and clo93 also. I need nothing in return and am always happy to help. DF

      • #706255


        Hey, dogfish. I saw the package you sent me today, so you probably saw the forum I tried to start. Thank you so much for already sending those items. I’m totally in debt after you sent me that gingerbread house a few weeks back. Is there anything I can do for you? Any items I can get? Lmk.

        • #706518


          Hi cutie, after I sent that I realized I didn’t now if you needed it or if you had it for trade. LOL I’m not needing a thing, thanks anyway. I can send some more of those clothes today if you need them, JLMK DF

      • #713174

        i have it! i will trade it for rare clothing

      • #713321

        Hey Dogfish could you send me some deluxe clothes from the outlet i like all of them ill send you something to get your money back:)

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