In need of names for Sig Timber Wolf Etc.

Home Forums Pets – Archives In need of names for Sig Timber Wolf Etc.

This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  inki14 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #783900

    I need name suggestions for my new timber wolf , signature cream golden retriever, regular golden retriever, and dalmation. For my timber wolf I was thinking Eclipse, and for my Sig Golden Retriever I was thinking Destiny but I need help from you to see if you come up with names that I like better than these! THANK YOU!! <3

    1. #788974


      OK I have a Sig. timber wolf also I named mine Ginger (feel free to copy) ok so here are some names I liked Luna, Eclipse, Jimber, Hannalua, Moon, Dawn, Dusk and for the Sig golden retriever Destiny, Honey, Lulu, Jimber, Fetch, Goldie, GoGetIt! sorry not good with those and for regular retriever Vivi, Vivian, Lynn, Lanye pronounced lane- e and Wintrissa for dalmation Marley, Dolly Zu-Zu, Winterlynn and Lu-Lu sorry if u didn’t like them!

      • #789351


        Lol!! Hollow, we both said vivi for the regular golden retriever : D -Missy

    2. #788414


      Thanks Leopardstar!!! :D They are like $80, your so lucky!!!! :D Let me know what you end up naming it. :) Your friend, ~*Hakuna Matata*~

      • #789070

        I ended up naming my timber wolf Eclipse, Sig Golden Retriever (big) Lilly, Regular Golden Retriever Kate, and Dalmation Spotted Oreo XD

    3. #787567

      No problem Angel. :D~Dapple

    4. #786155

      Aw thanks for recommending me Dapple! ~Texas Girl And Thunderhead Forever!

    5. #785777


      HOW DID YOU GET A TIMBER WOLF!?!?! So lucky!!! Timber Wolf: I like Eclipse, Dawn, Dusk, Aube (Dawn in French, Aw-B), Cresent, Solar. Sorry, I cannot think right now. 10:45 at night, long day! ~Veggie Vet

      • #788056

        I paid some of the Timber wolf and my parents helped me. I paid most though!! BTW awesome names!

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