It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

This topic contains 212 replies, has 43 voices, and was last updated by  passwordn2 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #756009


    Hey there! Thanks for coming to my forum! Judging from the title, you should be able to guess that this forum is about the Neon Tutu. Here is where you can come to post your failues and the real recipe if you figure it out.

    1. #770017


      Ummm… thanks for doing that combination, pieluvsme89, but on this forum we do combinations like this: Rainbow boots+BV+ALL Belts, Tops, etc., not: Rainbow boots+BV+Blue T shirt. Sorry, it’s just easier to keep track of the larger combinations than it is the smaller. But if you’d be willing to do larger combinations then that would be greatly appreciated.

    2. #770016


      i can get the combo.

    3. #770013

      BT+BV+All dresses and Skirts= PW…………BT+BV+All Footwear=PW……………..BV+Rainbow Boots+All Footwear=PW. By the way, The exact wording for the clue is…The dazzling neon tutu(it’s a punk-tacular blast from the past). The ruby slippers have dazzling in th description, I have looked through out the entire outlet and did not see a description with punk. Hope this helps!

      • #771135


        Jane, is this Blue T-Shirt? OR Ballerina Tights? I’m having hard time keeping track of all this! Thanks.

        • #771838

          Hi Elizabeth, It is blue t-shirt. I couldn’t exactly sorten Blue shirt if you know what I mean. Thanks for the comment on the other page! I’m glad to help out and this is the best forum for the tutu.

    4. #769887


      Hey! I wanted to help because I have been really wanting to learn the recipe. I don’t have a lot of money, but I will do what I can. Send me some recipes you want me to try and I will do my best, let’s find this recipe out!!

    5. #769868


      I did RB(Ruby slippers)+BV+All glasses and RB+BV+All belts with no sucess. And right now I am working on RB+BV+All footwear. The Ruby slippers have to be in it! Plumpy described the Neon Tutu as ‘dazzling’ and the Ruby slippers’ description is the only description that has ‘dazzle’ in it. We’re getting closer!!! Don’t give up hope; we CAN do this!!!

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