It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives It’s pink, yellow, aqua, green, purple, and blue! It’s the Neon Tutu!!!

This topic contains 212 replies, has 43 voices, and was last updated by  passwordn2 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #756009


    Hey there! Thanks for coming to my forum! Judging from the title, you should be able to guess that this forum is about the Neon Tutu. Here is where you can come to post your failues and the real recipe if you figure it out.

    1. #768480


      Here’s a review: RB(Rainbow boots)+BV(Black vest)+ALL Dresses/Skirts=PW, RB+BV+ALL Belts=PW, RB+BV+ALL Tops=PW, RB+BV+ALL Glasses=PW, RB+BV+ALL Bottoms=PW, BT(Ballerina tights)+BV+ALL Belts=PW, BT+BV+ALL Shoes=PW, BT+BV+ALL Hats=PW, BT+BV+ALL Glasses=PW, Blue t shirt+BV+ALL Glasses=PW, Blue t shirt+BV+ALL Belts=PW, TKS(Thick knit sweater)+BV+ALL Belts=PW, TKS+BV+ALL Glasses=PW, and TKS+BV+ALL Skirts(NOT DRESSES! ONLY SKIRTS!)=PW. Janeneongreen(can I call you Jane?), thank you for volunteering to help. Please do Blue t shirt+BV+ALL Hats, Bottoms, and Tops and report back when finished. Charlestonian/Elizabeh, that’s a great idea. Hopefully more people will become involved! Thank you everyone so much for helping!!!

    2. #768471


      So today I bought more closets and have my dock pretty much cleaned out. I will be doing the rainbow boots + black vest + all hats tonight. I bought most of the hats today. Pleae please please do not start another forum or I will not know how to help…..I know nextI do black vest +ballerina tights+ the other things I have not got to yet. For anyone who wants to help, one friend sent me three black vests the other day and that really helps! Or any other ingredients to do what chillylil asked for help with…. Now that my dock is cleaned up it will be easier to help. I also know I asked about the note from the anonymous person who said something about expecting the unexpected so if anyone has any cluesit would be super nice as I am spending lots of money to help! Thanks crissy135

    3. #768037

      Hey chillylily, what combinations can I try? Would love to help out. Thanks!

    4. #767981

      You know, if we try all these combinations, working on the tutu, we should inadvertently solve the other recipes too! If everyone who reads these tutu forums would pick one category to work on, we’d have this solved in a month, along with the rest. I think I’ll start a new thread, with a plea to get more persons involved.

    5. #767429


      Black Vest + Thick Knit Sweater + All skirts (NOT dresses, just skirts) = PW

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