KoalasRock2000′s FREE GIVE AWAYS

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives KoalasRock2000′s FREE GIVE AWAYS

This topic contains 27 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  KoalasRock2000 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #833856

    Tween Queen dress, funky neo fro, jingle jester hat, Ms. Santa Kinz bonnet, mazin hamster stunt helmet, fast food waiter visor, fast food waiter outfit, magic charm forest bad fairy t-shirt, wizard academy skirt, wizard academy slacks, wizard academy robe, wizard academy dress, clown nose, superhero mask, superhero shoes, magic w face sticker, holnwon golf cap, holnwon golf pants, cloud adventure wings, queen mari’s peri wig, pink popstar uniform, sunken ocean liner wallpaper, pink googles wallpaper, charm forest lollipop flowers, sugarberry bean bag chair, webkinz newz newspaper box, green crystal rock cluster, sweet superstar mic, orange plasma ball, and rabbit kinz banz wall art. If you want any of this PLMK!!!

    1. #836335

      Hi KoalasRock2000! Thank you so much for your gift! You made my day. I had a long evening of Christmas rehearsals, and felt tired after. Your gift cheered me up. ;) Merry Christmas, and have a sweet, joyous day!~SC

    2. #836306

      Hunnypoo, I’m sorry but the pink googles wallpaper is not transferable. It wont let me send it. So sorry. If you want to choose something else plmk.

    3. #836304


      OMG so I had to post a fake note so I could find my post and thank you on the correct page- I love, love, love the dress so thank you very much!!!!! I put it on my cheeky cat because it makes her pink nose look really cute and I put the orange knitted hat on with it too- you are so very nice to send it to me and please let me know if you are ever looking for anything ok? Big hugs Koala to Koala

    4. #835786

      Btw, everyone my UN is Agentequ in WW.

    5. #835783

      Revised Free List: funky neo fro, mazin hamster stunt helmet, fast food waiter visor, fast food waiter outfit, magic charm forest bad fairy t-shirt,clown nose, superhero mask, superhero shoes, magic w face sticker, queen mari’s peri wig, sunken ocean liner wallpaper, and orange plasma ball. If you want any of this PLMK!!!

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