Let’s solve the Neon Tutu Recipe!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Let’s solve the Neon Tutu Recipe!!!

This topic contains 123 replies, has 63 voices, and was last updated by  kitty3119 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #698696


    I have a strategy for solving this. The strategy is: Black Vest + Florescent Flip Flops+ everything. I already tried Black vest + florescent flip flops+ all skirts, belts, and glasses. All we need to try is all shirts, bottoms, shoes, and hats.

    1. #785946


      Black Vest + Ruby Slippers + Entire Outlet = PW
      Blact Vest + Fluorescent Flip Flops + Entire Outlet = PW
      Black Vest + Retro Rainbow Belt + Entire Outler = PW
      Black Vest + Blue t-shirt + Entire Oulet = PW
      Black Vest + Rainbow Boots+ Entire Outlet = PW

    2. #785950

      I think the Black Vest is in it, because Plumpy’s hint in 2011 said a blast from the past, and the Black Vest says a blast from the past in it’s description. Also, I think the Ruby Slippers are in it because Plumpy’s description said dazzling, and the Ruby Slippers have dazzling in the description and not many others do. So all we need is the third piece. This is just my theory.

    3. #782960


      could the new rainbow swimsuit be in the recipe?

      • #785318


        Nice idea, but the tutu came out in 2011.

    4. #782086

      it could not have the Floresent Flip Flops because they were released after the neon tutu was announced

    5. #775680


      its the black vest, teddy bear hat and the rainbow belt

      • #799905

        The teddy bear hat can’t even be used in the clothing machine.

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