Let’s solve the Neon Tutu Recipe!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Let’s solve the Neon Tutu Recipe!!!

This topic contains 123 replies, has 63 voices, and was last updated by  kitty3119 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #698696


    I have a strategy for solving this. The strategy is: Black Vest + Florescent Flip Flops+ everything. I already tried Black vest + florescent flip flops+ all skirts, belts, and glasses. All we need to try is all shirts, bottoms, shoes, and hats.

    1. #865908


      I earn kinzcash quickly! Somebody, give me a recipe and i will try it!

    2. #862925


      black vest and the flip flops plus the ballerina bottom doesnt work

    3. #861190


      Hi .. I am really interested in joining this conversation. I have over 450,000 KC and am interested in solving the neon tutu. I don’t want to waste money trying combos that have already been tried. 4BubbaGump you seem to have put the most effort into solving. I have noted your remarks and am looking for suggestions. Most threads believe that the Black Vest is in it .. I agree .. I see that you have tried the BV in many combos.. I would like to join you in using the Black Vest in all combos … let me know it you want my help.

    4. #859345


      I have heard that all skirt recipes have to have two bottoms (pants, skirts) I hope we soon figure this out, and good luck to all others!

    5. #859340


      Emilie, if what you think is true, then the flip-flops aren’t part of it because they are full members only.

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