Looking for 2 Cares chairs and year one blue cap!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for 2 Cares chairs and year one blue cap!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dogfish 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #759027


    If anyone has these, please lmk. Thanks, Cruisingal

    1. #759080


      cruise, my bff, you will end up trading a ton for those HTF chairs. I’ll send them, OK? Do you have the set and just need the chairs? Did you already trade for the candy car, sorry, I couldn’t connect to find out any sooner. Don’t know about the cap, I think I’ve seen it, but I don’t think I have it. TTYL Chole

      • #759374


        Hey Bff- Thanks so much for your kindness. As always!! I did get the car. I adopted a new snail. Thanks for checking though. Guess what? The clubhouse is finally working for me again! Yay!!!! I hope to see you in there soon. You can see my new snail pet. Are you looking for anything lately? Did you ever get your bike planter?

        • #759500


          Hi cruise, I’ll send the chairs today. I got a bunch of bike planters, seeing how you can buy them now. LOL Do you need one of those, it’s small but looks cute in a garden. Congrats on your new pet. see you soon, Chloe PS forgot, you just need the chairs?

          • #759696


            Chloe-Congrats on your bike planters! I don’t need any but thanks for offering. I was only needing the cares chairs, not the table. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. Now that you have your planters, are you needing anything else?

            • #759835


              Hey cruise. I am working on all those mystery bag things. May take a while to make sure the bffs get some . LOL friendly has all, so that helps. I got all but forgot to get the crib. It will take me a few days to have extra for friends. LMK if you need anything, Happy to be able to help with the chairs. Chloe

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