Looking for a Baby Blue Bumper Car!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for a Baby Blue Bumper Car!

This topic contains 28 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  14kacie14 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86644


    <p>I’m looking for a baby blue bumper car! PLMK if you have and what you want for it! Thanks!!!

    1. #629813


      I’m on if you are!

    2. #629425


      adama123 wrote on 2012-07-11 at 03:35 PM

      Sorry Katie! I sent it as soon as I got the slide but then I tried to send you the cart and it said that you have too much stuff in your inbox. I though I wrote you a messge here on newz? I looked for you on WW but you were never on to go to the trading room. I can’t log on now because my brother block WW but not WWN and I am trying to convince him to unblock it. Can you get on tomorrow?

      yes i can! Just pick a time!

    3. #629413


      Sorry Katie! I sent it as soon as I got the slide but then I tried to send you the cart and it said that you have too much stuff in your inbox. I though I wrote you a messge here on newz? I looked for you on WW but you were never on to go to the trading room. I can’t log on now because my brother block WW but not WWN and I am trying to convince him to unblock it. Can you get on tomorrow?

    4. #629401


      Please resend me my Golden Slide!!!!

    5. #626250



      Please send your half of the trade to me. If you don’t want to complete this trade any longer than please return the golden slide to me. Thank you.

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