Looking for Cell Phone Sofa and Windows :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for Cell Phone Sofa and Windows :)

This topic contains 46 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  mortonhippo 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89734


    <p>LMK if you have either :D

    1. #645369


      Friendly- ill have to think about it LOL:)

    2. #658590


      friendly1 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 08:58 PM

      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 07:48 PM

      friendly1 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 01:07 PM
      I could use the aries ram window.I have the estore ice swan window and the signature deer friendly forest window, also the cell phone sofa. LMKS

      I’m interested in all of those LOL.though, I’m probably getting the Autumn Window so I won’t be needing that :) Hmm….I really can’t decide, tapes are all either pretty or cool :3

      Well I would pick the friendly forret window because leaves fly out of it, very cool. It is up to you but I would be happy to give you an extra autumn paw print window. LMKS

      Oh Friendly:( i cantfind anything on your wishlist:’( Would you trade the gemster for a cell phone sofa? i would add…………please

    3. #658555


      Goldstar2 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 07:48 PM

      friendly1 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 01:07 PM
      I could use the aries ram window.I have the estore ice swan window and the signature deer friendly forest window, also the cell phone sofa. LMKS

      I’m interested in all of those LOL.though, I’m probably getting the Autumn Window so I won’t be needing that :) Hmm….I really can’t decide, tapes are all either pretty or cool :3

      Well I would pick the friendly forret window because leaves fly out of it, very cool. It is up to you but I would be happy to give you an extra autumn paw print window. LMKS


    4. #658528


      StarryGalaxy wrote on 2012-08-27 at 07:34 PM

      Hey golden star I have both. I’m not sure what i need though.

      Oh alright :) Is there a specific category maybe?

    5. #658524


      friendly1 wrote on 2012-08-27 at 01:07 PM

      I could use the aries ram window.I have the estore ice swan window and the signature deer friendly forest window, also the cell phone sofa. LMKS

      I’m interested in all of those LOL.though, I’m probably getting the Autumn Window so I won’t be needing that :) Hmm….I really can’t decide, tapes are all either pretty or cool :3

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