Looking for e-Store Points! :)

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for e-Store Points! :)

This topic contains 35 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  leopold 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #91651


    <p>Hey guys (: So the title says it all. LMK if you have any e-Store points, and if so how many, and if you need anything in particular. I’ll be posting a list in a bit. Thanks! :D

    1. #684591


      Updated list :)
      I got some e-Store points from somewhere else! =D
      I\’m still looking for them though ;)

      Haunted Dog House- Spooky Pup (ON HOLD)
      Puppy Picnic Table- Tawny Puppy
      Cool Cat String Swing- Signature Orange Tabby
      Molten Meals Oven- Fire Fawn (ON HOLD)
      Cell Phone Sofa- Texting Puppy (ON HOLD)
      Wild Flower Spa- Lilac Guinea Pig
      Dressing Room Vanity- Rockerz Cat
      Icing on the Cake Gazebo (ON HOLD)
      Zingoz Zangoz Bouncer
      Fountain of WOW (ON HOLD)
      Emerald Gemster (ON HOLD)
      Pink Infant
      Blue Infant
      Pink Explorer Top
      WZ Jeans
      Emo Jeans

      @Ferret, No problem! I need to make up for being gone Aha you don\’t need to try to get me anything for it, but if you really want to, I also need e-Store PSI, Signature PSI, and New-ish/Popular-ish PSI xD

      And for the Tawny Puppy PSI………….yah I could take PSI for it lol.

    2. #684419


      pransser wrote on 2012-11-24 at 07:40 PM

      Here is my updated list.
      Note: Everything that is on hold, still feel free to offer on, so if the trade with the person it is on hold for does not work out, we can trade :)
      Haunted Dog House- Spooky Pup (ON HOLD)
      Puppy Picnic Table- Tawny Puppy
      Cool Cat String Swing- Signature Orange Tabby
      Molten Meals Oven- Fire Fawn
      Cell Phone Sofa- Texting Puppy (ON HOLD)
      Wild Flower Spa- Lilac Guinea Pig
      Dressing Room Vanity- Rockerz Cat
      Icing on the Cake Gazebo (ON HOLD)
      Zingoz Zangoz Bouncer
      Fountain of WOW (ON HOLD)
      Emerald Gemster (ON HOLD)
      Pink Infant
      Blue Infant
      Jack O’ Lantern Hat
      Shuts x2 (1 ON HOLD)
      Torn x2 (1 ON HOLD)
      Rock Jacket x2 (1 ON HOLD)
      Rock Star Black Boots (ON HOLD)
      Sea Captn’ Blazer
      Sea Captn’ Trousers
      Pink Explorer Top (ON HOLD)
      WZ Jeans (ON HOLD)
      Emo Jeans (ON HOLD)


      Thanks for keeping an eye out. ;) What can I look for for you? Also, would you take Psi for the tawny puppy Psi? LMK :)

    3. #684368


      Here is my updated list.
      Note: Everything that is on hold, still feel free to offer on, so if the trade with the person it is on hold for does not work out, we can trade :)

      Haunted Dog House- Spooky Pup (ON HOLD)
      Puppy Picnic Table- Tawny Puppy
      Cool Cat String Swing- Signature Orange Tabby
      Molten Meals Oven- Fire Fawn
      Cell Phone Sofa- Texting Puppy (ON HOLD)
      Wild Flower Spa- Lilac Guinea Pig
      Dressing Room Vanity- Rockerz Cat
      Icing on the Cake Gazebo (ON HOLD)
      Zingoz Zangoz Bouncer
      Fountain of WOW (ON HOLD)
      Emerald Gemster (ON HOLD)
      Pink Infant
      Blue Infant
      Jack O’ Lantern Hat
      Shuts x2 (1 ON HOLD)
      Torn x2 (1 ON HOLD)
      Rock Jacket x2 (1 ON HOLD)
      Rock Star Black Boots (ON HOLD)
      Sea Captn’ Blazer
      Sea Captn’ Trousers
      Pink Explorer Top (ON HOLD)
      WZ Jeans (ON HOLD)
      Emo Jeans (ON HOLD)

    4. #684190


      @bratzdoll8- They are currently on hold right now, but if I don’t end up trading them, how many would you be willing to give? PLMK :)

      @icecreamdork- You’re welcome to offer on mine! :)

      @ferret- Aw I hate making my friends sad Dx Sorry I left 3= And I’ll keep an eye out ;)

    5. #684188


      I have shuts what you have for them?

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