Looking For Estore Points!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For Estore Points!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years ago.

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  • #705750

    Hi there, I would love to trade for estore points so I can save up for my first pet! I offer alot. DQ00

    1. #710183


      Yeah me neither…But the weird thing is, I got the gift box? ????

    2. #710173

      Who has 3,000 estore points? I didn’t get my monthly and I am not happy about that. DQ00

    3. #709323


      LOL, and yup. And, now out three grand…Now I REALLY need points. Anyone pllllleeeeeaaaaase friend me on Webkinz and send me points? =O chinakid8

    4. #709316

      you trading with brianna. Lol bye gurl.

    5. #709296


      Cool, cutekarate, here’s a tip…Be wary of scammers. I’ve gotten scammed soooooo much so I finally have to be firm and say “You send first”, LOL. Anyways, it’s good…If people are truthful! XD

      • #709314

        I got to get off, bye poke! Hope your forum goes through! DQ00

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