Looking For Estore Points!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For Estore Points!

This topic contains 70 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  DeluxeQueen00 12 years ago.

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  • #705750

    Hi there, I would love to trade for estore points so I can save up for my first pet! I offer alot. DQ00

    1. #722159

      Hi everyone! I am now wanting to save up for the totally awesome Aquamarine Puppy! I haven’t gotten my monthly points yet…..AGAIN.(Grrr) But I probably will soon, lol. Anyhowwwww, my offer for eStore Points are, Torn, Full Opal Puppy eStore PSI, Year 6 & 7 Trophies, Underdsea Porthole (Older and Retired Exclusive), Hot Springs Mega Stove (Signature Pet Exclusive Item),Yellow Onesie, Be Mine Tennishoes, Amethyst Gem Lamp, Blue Zircon Gem Lamp (x2) and Dicekinz Trophy. PLMK! DQ00

      • #722493

        Please take OFF Opal Puppy eStore PSI and Torn and please ADD Rockerz Lion High Boots (I think its the Lion, I know it’s rockerz), Webkinz Red Dragster, Propeller Plane, Farm Tractor, Magic Carpet and Cursed Cradle (retired Halloween Bed from 2010?). PLMK! DQ00

    2. #711840


      If anyone still has eStore points, I’d like to save for a Love Puffin. Leah, if you’re still there, I can offer the Halloween Headpiece or the Rainbow Hat, both old Deluxe items, from at least two years ago. PLMK.

    3. #710868


      The Queen of Hearts dress will be tradeable / kinzpostable after maintenance on Feb. 20 according to the Announcements page here :)

      • #711330

        THANKS SO MUCH for the info!!!!!!!!!! Oh and poke and dogfish, thanks so much for helping me get my first estore pet too! DQ00

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