Looking For KinzStyle Outlet Butterfly Wing Belt!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking For KinzStyle Outlet Butterfly Wing Belt!

This topic contains 17 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  StarlightMagic 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #723250

    Hi, I’m not deluxe so I can’t buy it. :( I’d be happy to trade someone for it though. :) Please, if you would like to trade, put up a wants list for the belt. Thanks! -StarlightMagic

    1. #724091

      Ok. :) I’ll send the shirt ASAP. About your pet- so sorry! :( To contact Ganz- go to the official Ganz website (just type in GANZ) and click ‘contact us’. Other than that- sorry I don’t know any other way to contact!

    2. #723969


      Okay, Yeah I think that would work. Do you happen to know how I can contact webkinz and say They didn’t give me my estore Pet? I Bought it in the Webkinz estore

    3. #723700

      Ggggggrrrrrrr! Ferret- No shirt. :( :( :( Um… maybe a Leopard Tank or something?

    4. #723497


      StarlightMagic – I got the pants, but if you have the Shirt that would be great! LMK

    5. #723430

      Msgerl- sorry I only have the fire lamp. :(

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