Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives LOOKING FOR PIANOS!

This topic contains 96 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    1. #665774


      JumpyBeasty wrote on 2012-09-13 at 06:27 PM

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-12 at 02:58 PM

      hi i have the winged piano

      JB i have christmas items! Do you have gemsters, enchanted loch, or blue moon lagoon???

    2. #665771


      Hey Fv,

      Just got back from campus now. I have tons of homework so I only have a minute. Would you trade the piano for one of your slides? Don’t really care which one. Think about it and I’ll check back in the morning. Have a good night! TTFN


    3. #665746

      guest, okay.

      nutty, yeah i knew how that felt! is it the pretty poodle one? that ones cool,
      you get it from e-store or challenges. did you want to offer on the truck? any SIG. or e-store PSI would be acceptable.

      jumpy, well i’m currently working a trade with jewels at the moment,
      and it would be werid if traded with both of you. LOL that could leed to problums. maybe.

      other person, (sorry i forgot your name!) yes i know how to get pianos…..
      the pretty poodle is non-tradable, (which sucks.) which you probably already know that.
      do you have the peaceful plains piano, or diamond piano? those are the ones i want most.
      do u have them? PLMKSNOL

    4. #665742

      Hi!! If you need it, i have the Country Sensation Stage. I think it’s Aussie Shep Dog PSI or something like that. PLMK if you need it… or if you don’t, haha.

    5. #665739

      i need a piano too!!!!!! i will trade a golf cart a/o superbeds

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