looking for points and these clothes

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives looking for points and these clothes

This topic contains 30 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  dancer99 11 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #718611


    I am looking for points and these: delightful dining dress, butterfly wing belt, cool collar coat, lovely lavender dress, gold rock and roll sunglasses, fine feathered hat, white tiger print dress, and the terrific teal hat. They are all the new kinzstyle clothes. Thanks! ~dancer

    1. #719701


      I said “its DF b- day!?” And happens to me too Starfrost is what I really said meant to say…it just happend 10 mins ago…

    2. #719506


      Wait a sec,DF b-day?! And whats your UN again cause I need to send a B-day present! >^-^< And Starfrost ,  lol!

    3. #719401


      Thanks, guys.  I thought I’d lost you guys as friends. And here you are again, willing to help me out with problems. Thanks, really, guys. :) I’m really grateful. Does WKN sometimes leave out some of my posts or what? IDK. Do you need some more coupons to help out with all those expenses? I’ll have to repay you guys for this. :D

      • #719474

        Girl, are you kidding me??? You didn’t do anything wrong!! Like DF said, we all need points!! Just let me know aht else you need and I am always happy to help!! :)

        • #719557

          Dancer – I am also helping another friend to get these clothes, and I cant remember what all I have sent you!!! I am sorry. I sent another friend request with sister in it. That is me. Please accept. And just let me know what you DONT need. How about that??? Thank you!!!!! Your friend always, Leah

    4. #719258

      I haven’t seen this post. Dancer, I will send you all of the clothes you need. I am going to send you another friend request to help speed things along. This account is sisterabney. Be looking for it. Okay?? Leah

      • #719317


        Leah! Thanks so much for being willing to help me. I only need the girly clothes. Thank you. :)

      • #719333


        Hi Leah, LMK if you need any help buying those deluxe items. I can send you something to sell for KC, or the clothing. It always helps to spread out the burden of these expensive buys over several accounts. Oh and coupons! Love the coupons. TTYL Chloe

        • #719479

          DF you are such a great friend!! Happy birthday, my dear!! :) I know it’s a few days early, but I’m one of those nerdy people who gets really excited and can’t wait…..He He.

          • #719558

            Oh, and i sent you a birthday gift to clo91. Chk your points. Happy Birthday. Your friend, Leah :)

            • #719682


              What??? Girl are you kidding? you shouldn’t have. Don’t tell anyone, but I never know how many points I have. LOL I wouldn’t know if some one sent me five or fifty. I just can’t keep track of them. But, thanks for the gift, you are too sweet. Let’s meet in the club house one day, LMK TTYL Chloe

    5. #718866


      I can give you the cool collar coat ( I have an extra) if you can tell me the winner of the 3 rare items contest. ;)

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