Looking for Priceless Clothes, Sig PSI, and eStore PSI!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for Priceless Clothes, Sig PSI, and eStore PSI!

This topic contains 21 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  fudgeyvanilla 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #669441


    hey i like your sly slide and slips i have pyterdactol psi and sparkly jacket

    1. #669620


      Nineand9 wrote on 2012-09-27 at 10:00 PM

      FOTF, no it is a promo pet, the cosmic bear
      LIZ, i have an alps rescue station, i like the plumpy i could add

      Hey Nine&9 :D,
      Yay! What other sig, estore, promo, and/or priceless do you have? PLMK :)

    2. #669618


      AquamarineKatsuma wrote on 2012-09-28 at 12:32 AM

      _elizabeth_ wrote on 2012-09-27 at 12:48 PM
      I am looking for a bunch of items including: elf hat, elf shoes, witch hat, pumpkin head, full cat, alps rescue station, levitating loveseat, bamboo chute slide, pumpkin carving station, and more, hahah! I have plumpy’s glasses, yellow sneakers, nafaria’s slippers, phlying phoenix runners, full green santa, sly slide, sunny savannah oasis, shutter shades (shuts), rockstar torn jeans (torn), and more! I also can buy any animal at the eStore right now, so if you need their PSI LMK! Thanks! ~Liz~

      Hey Liz! I have the alps rescue station for trade, and which pumpkin hat did you want? there’s more than one that i know, and i may have the one you’re looking for for trade as well! I’m obviously loving your plumpy, but i also really want the sapphire spaniel tub and car from the estore. I could totally add to the psi, and check to see if i have the pumpkin hat you need. I also have some of these items up for trade as well, LMK if you need these too.
      Estore Sour Watermelon Hound PSI (Steam Candy Whistle)(MAY be on hold, NGO)
      Signature Saint Bernard PSI (Alps Rescue Station)
      Signature Lion PSI (Savannah Mane Stage)
      Signature Endangered Cougar PSI (Mountain Climbing Cliff)
      Signature Labradoodle PSI (Cocoa Café Booth)
      Pile of Persian Pillows
      Hand Sculpted Bird Bath
      Neogothic Dress
      Golden Gown
      Full Rock Outfit (Including Shuts)
      The Sundae Superbed
      Zum Garden Ornament
      Weather Console Machine (May not be for trade)
      So again, PLMK if you’re interested in ANYTHING and describe the pumpkin hat for me, so i can see if i have the one you’re looking for. Thanks again!

      It is called the Jack-O-Lantern hat (not to be confused with the deluxe prize “halloween headpiece” which i also like..) :p :D
      I like your alps rescue station, Savannah Mane Stage, and the steam candy whistle! ! :) ~liz~

    3. #669617


      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-09-27 at 06:28 PM

      hey there! i would like your sly slide. heres my list!
      E-STORE PSI: polka dot piano, spring melody harp, truck of terror, carefree cushion
      SIG. PSI: water dog falls, (on hold?) cats meow garden, sunny savannah oasis, bamboo chute slide, (on hold?)
      frozen fountain, honey waterfall, and icy artic organ. and i know i have ton of reg. PSI but i forget what they are.
      so PLMKSNOL!

      Hi FV, I love your cats meow garden, have wanted it for a while! LMK if you would like to trade! -liz-

    4. #669588

      _elizabeth_ wrote on 2012-09-27 at 12:48 PM

      I am looking for a bunch of items including: elf hat, elf shoes, witch hat, pumpkin head, full cat, alps rescue station, levitating loveseat, bamboo chute slide, pumpkin carving station, and more, hahah! I have plumpy’s glasses, yellow sneakers, nafaria’s slippers, phlying phoenix runners, full green santa, sly slide, sunny savannah oasis, shutter shades (shuts), rockstar torn jeans (torn), and more! I also can buy any animal at the eStore right now, so if you need their PSI LMK! Thanks! ~Liz~

      Hey Liz! I have the alps rescue station for trade, and which pumpkin hat did you want? there’s more than one that i know, and i may have the one you’re looking for for trade as well! I’m obviously loving your plumpy, but i also really want the sapphire spaniel tub and car from the estore. I could totally add to the psi, and check to see if i have the pumpkin hat you need. I also have some of these items up for trade as well, LMK if you need these too.


      Estore Sour Watermelon Hound PSI (Steam Candy Whistle)(MAY be on hold, NGO)

      Signature Saint Bernard PSI (Alps Rescue Station)
      Signature Lion PSI (Savannah Mane Stage)
      Signature Endangered Cougar PSI (Mountain Climbing Cliff)
      Signature Labradoodle PSI (Cocoa Café Booth)

      Pile of Persian Pillows
      Hand Sculpted Bird Bath

      Neogothic Dress
      Golden Gown
      Full Rock Outfit (Including Shuts)

      The Sundae Superbed
      Zum Garden Ornament
      Weather Console Machine (May not be for trade)

      So again, PLMK if you’re interested in ANYTHING and describe the pumpkin hat for me, so i can see if i have the one you’re looking for. Thanks again!

    5. #669586

      Boarderboy316 wrote on 2012-09-27 at 10:32 PM

      Hello Liz I have torn if your interested plmk I also have fire fawn psi?

      Sorry thought you said you needed torn lol


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