Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives LOOKING FOR ROOM DESIGNER!!!

This topic contains 26 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  mamalion14 12 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #87560

    <p>I REALLY need this room done so PLZ if you’re a room designer HELP!!!!!!!!!!

    1. #629268


      Oh thats fine here is a boys room (Large)

      Powder blue wall paint 60 KC

      Wizard flooring 125 KC

      Football bed 800 KC Put on bottom of room on wall with head bord on the left wall.

      Bright Upright Lamp 150 KC Put next to bed

      Football room divider 100 KC put on top wall next to right wall

      Baseball glove chair (2) 220 KC (Each) Put on wall where end of bed is fasing up put it all the way on the right wall.

      Center court coffee table 225 KC Put one away from baseball glove chair.

      Hoops DTV 1050 KC Put on step away from coffee table.

      Football coffee table 225 KC Put on top wall close to left wall and put football (50) and baseball (15 KC) on it

      Football water cooler 125 KC Put in front of bed

      Football trophy stand 175 KC Put next to the baseball glove chair.

      I hope you like it! Here is how much it makes (Not counting the large room) 3540


    2. #629237


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-07-10 at 04:16 PM

      Viper888 wrote on 2012-07-10 at 02:37 PM

      puffthemagicdragon wrote on 2012-07-09 at 05:09 PM
      I REALLY need this room done so PLZ if you’re a room designer HELP!!!!!!!!!!

      Hi Here is what I think the room should look like. This is for a girl
      Funky parquet flooring (100 KC )
      Magenta wall paint (50 KC )
      Creamy vanilla bed ( 395 KC Put in top left corner )
      Mystical ottoman ( 480 KC Put in frount of bed )
      Beautiful bows lamp ( 65 KC Put next to bed )
      Funky girl wardrobe ( 600 KC Put two steps away on the wall the bed is on )
      Funky girl room divder (2) ( 225 KC each take two steps up from bottom put all the way on the wall put secound one next to it )
      Funky girl bathtub ( 1000 KC Put behind the divders on wall next to it put Funky girl toilet 375 KC Next to that put funky girl bathroom sink 325 KC )
      Funky girl sofa (750 KC Put on wall where bed end is with ballet coffee table 300 KC (For table take one step) Take one step agan and put down ballerina tv down 765 KC )
      Basic sliding window (150 KC put wherever)
      All that makes 5805 If thats to much thak out the little bathroom spot and tv and window and the thing in frount of bed witch makes 2260 Enjoy your new room!

      Hey! I have a question. Are you the viper that is friends with skyfly1 and Chowder426?

      No I am not Viper888 My brother has a account on here and I forgot to log out I am relly Jakarta (see look up) Sorry for the mix up. P.S. So did you take my room?


    3. #629220


      i meant when you said about adding a sort of item oh and yeah, i have tons of webkinz and thats the style for my dining room- sorry about that

    4. #629173

      where can I get this ‘ signature sofa ‘ ?

    5. #629012

      O.K. who ever can come up with a cool yet antuiqe-y ( not too much ) blue black and white medium bedroom for my lil’ kinz hippo gets three gifts sent to them

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