Looking for the Fairy Den Dress

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Looking for the Fairy Den Dress

This topic contains 21 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  AliceInWebkinzland4 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #776620

    I’m looking for the Fairy Den Dress. If anyone has one for trade, please let me know what you’d be interested in trading it for. Thank you!

    1. #779721


      Hi everyone! Just dropping in to say hi, I’ve only been able to get on for these last few days, posted my wishlist on Becky’s forum, lol. Heading away again tomorrow for soccer. Hope you’re all doing well! =)

      • #780786

        Hey Ocean! So wonderful to ‘see’ you! Glad to hear you’re doing well. Will take a peak at your wishlist. Have a good day.

    2. #779749

      Hi guys. Since I already acquired the Den Dress, I thought I would ask if perhaps anyone would happen to have the new Sequin Fox or Starry Stallion PSIs for trade? I’m so sad that the Starry Stallion isn’t going to be sold separately since I just love it! I also adore that Fox, but don’t have enough points to purchase it. So if anyone has these pets’ PSIs for trade, PLMK, thank you!

    3. #780553


      Hay Alice, mark here I found some more clothing that I would like from the KinzStyle Shop and Outlet just look on page 2 of Let Trade if it’s not a problem. Thanks

    4. #779334


      I’m looking for this dress, too. Does anyone have this for trade?

    5. #779289


      ALICE No need to return, perhaps you can use it toward trade for one of your other big wants. Just enjoy! Miss our old thread as well and everyone on it!

      • #779746

        Lady, Well thank you so much, I really do appreciate it!! I will definitely find a way to use that adorable dress. :) I do as well, its nice to see some familiar ‘faces’ every once in awhile on other forums, but its not the same. Have a a good day!

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