Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives LOTS OF PET FOODS FOR TRADE!

This topic contains 57 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  Cinnybugg2 12 years ago.

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  • #705765

    Me and my sister have tons of pets. Just name a pet food you want and i’ll tell you if i have it in stock! We have all the birthstone pets and some random candy kinz and zodiac. My sister has a love puppy. We have many signatures. So if you need a pet food just let us know!

    1. #711263


      Hi, TF! I was wondering if you have all the birthstone puppies psf my user is ilove345.

    2. #711464

      if we aren’t friends already, TF, i’m marisprincess plz add!

    3. #711112


      Hey TF!! Thanks for all the Gem PSF! What fun!! :0 I see you have the Candy Kinz Pets. I would love to collect their PSF’s. I will always send you some type of edible pet food back. That way I won’t feel like I’m taking advantage. Oh and could send something for you to sell to help out. Thanks again for your sharing heart! ~~~Cinny

      • #711119

        Your Welcome! I have some of the candy kinz so i will send the ones i have. The edible food is delicious lol. Something to sell would be nice, i just bought a room for my hamster so i’m a little low on KC.

    4. #710356


      FROGS – Hiya! These are the last (promise) PSF’s I have on my Wish List that I don’t think I’ve asked about, so I thought I’d run them by you to see if you can help me out in obtaining them. They are: BFF Buttery Popcorn (Bedtime Puppy), Four Leaf Catnip (Clover Cat), Mistletoe Cookie Ice Dough Ice Cream (Minty Moose), Grape Pupsicle (Misty Puppy), Unburied Bones (Spooky Pup), and Setter Cereal (St. Pat’s Setter). Anything you can send me would be AWESOME!

      • #710462

        Hey JRS, I’m logging on now to send you the Minty Moose and Misty Puppy PSF’s. Enjoy!

        • #710628


          ALICE – Got them! Thanks again. You rock!

      • #710607

        JRS—–I see Alice is sending some of those but i do have a lot of them. Are you friends with fnleydog? If not, friend that account and the Catnip, Bones, and Cereal will be on their way to you.

        • #710629


          FROGS – Yes, I’m already friends with fnleydog. Thank you and you’re awesome!

    5. #709982

      do you mind if i have a CandyKinz PSF? Thank You!

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