Lovely Design that you will Love

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Lovely Design that you will Love

This topic contains 719 replies, has 64 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #90635

    <p>Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

    1. #716875


      wow looking at it now i see that is a big list, sorry-pigsrock

    2. #716488

      Wow SO many room orders! YES! I will get all of your rooms by next weekend but most likely before that!

    3. #716138


      hey designer girl its me pis rock again i was wondering if you could make me a museum. i have a large room and some items that i have that you may want ti include are Egyptian vase, 2 mining carts, gold mine, 2 golden hippo fridges, a rock hopper chopper, mystic eye lamp, a roaming the plains grill, a elephant fountain, a jolly roger roller, a calming campfire stove, a fancy fountain, a riding the rails train, fortune telling pig statue, a kings guard suit of armor, a wilds of the jungle sofa, a samurai suit of armor, 6 scientific trophy pedestals, dog beards navigation globe, a golden dragon statue, camp canoe paddles, jar of sand, Egyptian tomb window, propeller plane, year seven trophy, griffin guardian statue, medieval unicorn tapestry, sparkling gem poster, and a adventurers canteen. i was hoping you could do a jungle section, a Egyptian section, a pirate section, a beginning of time section, plus another section of your choice. right now i have 650 and dollars to put into the room

    4. #716126


      girls lounge and spa large less than 2000. really relaxing. add like pink and blue flowers or something.

    5. #716038


      Hello, I would like a Persian room with whatever colors you care to put in. Make it less than 3000 Kinzcash.

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