Lovely Design that you will Love

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Lovely Design that you will Love

This topic contains 719 replies, has 64 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #90635

    <p>Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

    1. #737962

      Okay hlhf5 I think your room is awaiting moderation in case you are wondering. In this goes through first.

    2. #737335

      OK caribou smiles here is your dressing room (good idea). It is SO cute! When I get those challenge I may have to use this room. But I won’t because I know you probably want a original(LOL) Okay so here it is Brushed metal Dining Table and Brushed Metal Dining Chair. Mosaic Mirrors, 2 booming black loungers and the pink top side table (a deluxe only item so if you want it and are not deluxe I will give it to you) Okay so that is it and you could probably use either the magenta and creative studio flooring. Both of your rooms are under budget. So that should not be a problem! Okay well thanks and if you need anything else evr let me know thanks!

    3. #737323

      Okay caribousmiles sorry for the wait and BTW every time I see caribou smiles it make me smile! Okay so here is your rock arena I will try to get the googles room soon! Okay so You need, 4 booming Back loungers, Booming Black Couch, Creative Studio Flooring (only black flooring I could find. Deep Purple Wall paint, 2 Stage Lights, Fancy Footwork Rug, Music Wall Charms, 2 music note wall art! Thank I hope you enjoy the room I will do your other room right away have a wonderful day!

    4. #737301

      Okay getting those rooms now!

    5. #736920

      Okay I will so sorry was So busy this weekend so did not have time but I will do it today or tomorrow. As soon as I get caribousmiles rooms! Sorry for the wait goes to you and caribou smiles!

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