Lovely Design that you will Love

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Lovely Design that you will Love

This topic contains 719 replies, has 64 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #90635

    <p>Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

    1. #676362

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-23 at 07:46 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-23 at 07:15 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-23 at 07:05 PM
      Hi D, I got your note, and I’ll try to meet up with you. Me phone has no color and doesn’t seem to work today. I will send a note and go to the yard. TTYL chloe

      Okay I was on but I did not see you I will try again.

      Hi D, I am having tech problems with most of my accounts, I go to white screen and have to log off. if I post more than one package at KP I log off, and the phone works now, but that’s about all that is working right. If I don’t see you tonight, I’ll catch you tomorrow. Did you have that table? Was is the same? If,yes, just trade it. TTYL Chloe

      @ dogfish, So sorry, not able to go on webkinz tonight. Too much chores and homework to do. I think that it is cool that you play piano too! You will discover that on week days I have a lot to do! But for sure both Saturday and Sunday I can go on!

    2. #676327


      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-23 at 07:15 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-23 at 07:05 PM
      Hi D, I got your note, and I’ll try to meet up with you. Me phone has no color and doesn’t seem to work today. I will send a note and go to the yard. TTYL chloe

      Okay I was on but I did not see you I will try again.

      Hi D, I am having tech problems with most of my accounts, I go to white screen and have to log off. if I post more than one package at KP I log off, and the phone works now, but that’s about all that is working right. If I don’t see you tonight, I’ll catch you tomorrow. Did you have that table? Was is the same? If,yes, just trade it. TTYL Chloe

    3. #676307

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-23 at 07:05 PM

      Hi D, I got your note, and I’ll try to meet up with you. Me phone has no color and doesn’t seem to work today. I will send a note and go to the yard. TTYL chloe

      Okay I was on but I did not see you I will try again.

    4. #676300


      Hi D, I got your note, and I’ll try to meet up with you. Me phone has no color and doesn’t seem to work today. I will send a note and go to the yard. TTYL chloe

    5. #676273

      dfhgkhdjkfghkdjf wrote on 2012-10-21 at 04:11 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 11:42 AM
      Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

      this will be my pets room where he stores his exclusive items
      red,blue,purple my pet likes halloween

      Okay so as silly as this sound if you are like thanks for the word about what this room feels like but no room it because I hit the send button before I was done okay so If you need a layout or a redo please let me know.
      Wizard flooring (to add a touch of Halloween)
      2 Dance Recital Chairs (that look old not elegant like you would think a dance recital would) that make it awesome for your room.
      Gem box
      Royal blue paint and Navigators Desk.
      I was not sure what feel you wanted for the room but I think this is a cool storage space and and it can double as a office!
      Your total is 995!
      If you need a layout or a redo let me know.

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