Lovely Design that you will Love

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Lovely Design that you will Love

This topic contains 719 replies, has 64 voices, and was last updated by  designergirl101 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #90635

    <p>Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

    1. #678521


      Hi D, do a search for webkinz value guide. Go there and go to the home page, then go to items pictures and look at e-store. You will find pictures of all the promo. A few items are not tradeable, like the cupcake dress. If you see something you like tell me and I’ll invite you over to see it. OK? If you would prefer a new PSI, can do that too, almost any new one. TTYL Chloe

    2. #678486

      tinkerbellfan7 wrote on 2012-11-02 at 09:56 AM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 11:42 AM
      Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

      i’m a tomboy
      less than 4000

      Okay I have 2 other rooms so you will that sometime tomorrow but I think you might of been one of the rooms but I check up on other design forum since design is a strong interest of mine so maybe it was there.

    3. #678449

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 11:42 AM

      Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

      i’m a tomboy
      less than 4000

    4. #678285

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-11-01 at 04:34 PM

      Okay webkinz girl here is your hotel, Sorry for the wait my computer would not post, Lobby Light coral wall paint, Natural Maple flooring, 3 dazzling granite counters, Orchid, Sun burst wall clock, Hippo on a half shell painting and 2 true blue chairs! Bedroom 2 vanilla beds, mystical ottoman, fancy table, Light steel blue wall paint and natural maple floors, vanilla dresser and rainbow flowers! Bathroom claw foot bathtub, porcelain toilet and sink, magic mirror, black and white tile floor, powder blue wall paint and orchid. Breakfast room, bamboo flooring, orange wall paint, 2 modern windows, 2 mosaic brown table and 4 fun yellow chairs from the same theme to match, 4 tangerine counters, and a season painting the one that is four paintings. So that is it I could do I ball room a gym or a another bedroom if you want let me know!

      Oh my gosh! That sounds so cool! Um…. If you want you can add any room that you want to my hotel! I will give you 5000 kinzcash max.

    5. #678283


      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-11-01 at 04:21 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-11-01 at 04:11 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-31 at 01:23 PM

      LoveWebkinzForeverGirl wrote on 2012-10-30 at 07:08 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-30 at 06:57 PM

      dogfish wrote on 2012-10-30 at 05:50 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-10-30 at 05:41 PM

      tinkerbellfan7 wrote on 2012-10-30 at 01:43 PM

      designergirl101 wrote on 2012-09-28 at 11:42 AM
      Thank you for visiting Lovely Design that you will Love in order for me to make you a amazing room there are a couple of simple things for you to fill me in on. Is your pet or pet a boy a girl or will this room be used by all pets.Colors what are your favorites and what is your style. Those are the main ideas but I do need to know a room size and how much you are willing to spend. So have a great day.

      i\\\’m a tomboy
      less than 4000

      Okay I will have that to you um maybe Thursday but most likely way before that.

      Hey D, did you get my gift?? I got one too. GTG see if friendly got it. TTYL Chloe

      Yes this is the first chance I have had to thank you. Now we can all be rockerz coyotes with pet of the month it is good to be the king outfits. We can all look alike. THANK YOU!

      Tell me when the design for the luxurious hotel is ready!

      Sometime today the lobby the bathroom and also the bedroom will be ready the breakfast room might be tomorrow. I would do a pool but I remembered you have one.

      Hi D, please check my post on promo for promo and LMK TTYL Chloe


      Hi D, I have to go somewhere with my Dad, I’ll be back soon. I will invite you to my storage account, I have promo there. Not all but some. If you go to the value guide, there are pictures of all the promo. If you want a certain PSI, just tell me. Chloe

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