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This topic contains 4,076 replies, has 1,478 voice, and was last updated by bunnychan 1 day, 8 hours ago.
August 22, 2014 at 1:30 pm #872953
Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.
December 4, 2015 at 9:29 am #963004
Make it so you can visit other webkinz houses and they can visit yours. When you took it off I was really sad because I wanted my webkinz friends to see my house.
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December 3, 2015 at 4:33 pm #962954
I thought of some cat ideas for new pets.
Russian Blue, Maine Coon, Japanese Bobtail, Chinchilla Persian, Desert Lynx, Egyptian Mau, Honey Bear, Abyssinian, American Bobtail, American Curl, American Wirehair, Balinese, Birman, Bombay, British Shorthair, American Shorthair, Burmese, Chartreux, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, European Burmese, Exotic Shorthair, Havana Brown, Korat, LaPerm, Manx, Norwegian Forest Cat, Ocicat, Oriental, Pixiebob, Ragamuffin, Savannah, Selkirk Rex, Siberian, Somali, Tonkinese, Toyger, Turkish Angora, and Turkish Van.
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December 5, 2015 at 9:23 am #963169
I thought of some turtle and tortoise ideas for new pets.
Box Turtle, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Snapping Turtle, Painted Turtle, Desert Tortoise, Red-Eared Slider, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Terrapin, Western Pond Turtle, Ornate Box Turtle, Beal’s-eyed Turtle, Malaysian Giant Pond Turtle, Pancake Tortoise, Musk Turtle, Black-breasted Leaf Turtle, Western Swamp Tortoise, Aldabra giant tortoise, Chinese Big-headed Turtle, Keeled Box Turtle, Texas River Cooter, Madagascar Big-headed Turtle, Brown Roofed Turtle, Snake Neck Turtle, Chinese Yellow-headed Box Turtle, Borneo River Turtle, Galapagos Tortoise, Yellow-blotched Map Turtle, Florida Chicken Turtle, Red-headed Amazon River Turtle, Four-eyed Turtle, Egyptian Tortoise, Yellow-Spotted Amazon River turtle, Spiny Turtle, Leopard Tortoise, Spurred Tortoise, red-necked pond turtle, Chinese box turtle, Burmese Star Tortoise, European pond terrapin.
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December 5, 2015 at 8:24 am #963170
Here’s some owl ideas for your pets.
Northern Hawk Owl, Elf Owl, Northern Pygmy-Owl, Western Screech Owl, Scops Owl, Great Grey Owl, Eurasian Eagle Owl, Whiskered Screech-Owl, Palau Owl, Brown Hawk-Owl, Hawaiian Owl, Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl, Eastern Screech-Owl, Flammulated Owl, Burrowing Owl, Boreal Owl, Great Horned Owl, Spotted Owl, Short-eared Owl, Long-eared Owl, Northern Saw-whet Owl, Madagascar red owl, Spectacled Owl, Greater Sooty Owl, Eastern Grass Owl, Lesser Masked Owl, Ashy-faced Owl, Oriental Bay Owl, Buffy Fish Owl, Pel’s Fishing Owl, Montane Forest Screech Owl, Cuban Bare-legged Owl, Northern White-faced Owl, Mottled Wood Owl, Tawny Owl, Omani Owl, Fulvous Owl, Rufous-legged Owl, Chaco Owl, Ural Owl, Mottled Owl, Black-and-White Owl, Black-banded Owl, Maned Owl, Crested Owl, Little Owl, Band-bellied Owl, Buff-fronted Owl, Laughing Owl, Boobook Owl, Morepork Owl, Barking Owl, Powerful Owl, and Striped Owl.
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December 3, 2015 at 10:57 am #962871
@Sally Webkinz , In a year and 1/2 that I have been playing webkinz, I have only ever caught Doug in the clubhouse 2 times. Both were at 2PM EST. Most children aren’t even out of school at this time of day. Suggestion: Have Doug show up on webkinz at least 4 times a day so everyone has a chance to trade with him.
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