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This topic contains 4,075 replies, has 1,477 voice, and was last updated by  gatorgirl54 1 week, 2 days ago.

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  • #872953

    Leave your Webkinz suggestions here.

    1. #1111806


      Is there any way webkinz can make a outdoor fall floor so that the fall festival stuff will always look like fall. Maybe something similar to the apple floor that you had this last fall, something that only has four tiles and not little tiny ones.

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    2. #1111650

      I would love to see some more unusual webkinz plush! Like an anteater, a sphynx cat, an oyster, a raven! I love the more unusual ones and think it would be great to see these than tons of more different kinds of patterned dogs, cats, and rabbits!

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    3. #1111466


      I actually like the new layouts of the site! I have the Rockin Horse and his stage. I also have a couple of bales of hay. I think it would be great if pets could sit on the hay bales; they could be used as seats to watch the stage show! I also like the idea of being able to rename pets. Also, I’d like to be able to trade items bought with e store money between all the accounts that are listed under my account at the Ganz store. Thanks for reading!

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    4. #1110954


      I have several suggestions that would be greatly appreciated. The first one is name changes. I have a lot of Webkinz with major spelling errors because I named them when I was pretty young. I would have a really fun time renaming them now due to my expanded vocabulary and creativity. I think that’s a major drawback not being able to rename your older Webkinz. Another thing that has been driving me crazy are the buttons. Some of the buttons don’t work, maybe it’s just my laptop and/or browser, but some buttons seem to be broken when trying to be pressed. The last thing, not a major deal, but I believe the Magical Forest and some older places like the Wish Factory need a remodel for how old they are. Looking at them now with a better monitor, they look really pixelated. Also, the zooming up close feature in My House becomes pixelated too, it doesn’t keep the full resolution, which is not good for screenshots.

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      • #1111034


        Ummm. . .None of the TV’s works correctly. I believe Ganz has seriously underestimated the potential gold-mine hidden within the idea of our WebKinz’ TV’s. For instance, for “free” members’ pets you could make TV’s at least play those stupid, otherwise-intrusive, annoying video ads, which would at least be entertainment — of a sort — and at very least better than nothing. If you vetted and monitored the content you could make them the only place that “ads off” didn’t apply — since the player was knowingly, deliberately electing to watch one. To ultimately preserve the option parents could otherwise select to prevent their player from purchasing TV’s. You could make more Kinzcash-purchasable options for room-theme-adaptable TV’s and more show options. EVERY player would want their pet(s) to have the chance to watch TV, thus more pressure on parents to ‘allow’ these ‘elite-level’ ads. If you attract enough such advertisers and if they made the ads entertaining or interesting enough you could put them at the beginning of each WebKinz show segment. Then there would be no sense of inconvenience, we would even select them deliberately, and people would WANT to watch them — especially if new ones arrived on

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      • #1112592


        Yes! My sisters would love to rename some of their pets. I also think it would be awesome too if the full resolution was kept when zooming up.

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    5. #1110775


      The survey of the week has not been updated in several months. Any chance we could get some new ones soon? It’s a nice way to make some extra cash.

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