my fashion archive! come say your opinion!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives my fashion archive! come say your opinion!

This topic contains 34 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  mollyberger 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #834838


    hi everybody! I love style and fashion! so I started this forum so you can keep your webkinz in style! I will update you about whats in style for webkinz and give lots of tips about budgets and color choices and much more! and send me questions ! I would love to give you some tips! if you are going to ask me for some fashion advice please state what pet you have, what gender it is, what your budget is, and the occasion or theme. also make sure to say its personality like tomboy or girly. now the fashion part! I want to start with a nice winter outfit . for a girl this outfit is cheap and adorable. : pink bow, green layered tee, and white jeans. this outfit comes to 130$. now for a boy: red and green striped polo shirt, dude hat, and black sport pants . this outfit comes to 155$ . if you have any questions PLEASE ask! I will update this often so keep coming! now you may be wondering whats in style for your webkinz. the answer is GLASSES. you can add glasses to any outfit! they range from 35$ -120$ . so they are pretty cheap. now that is the end of this first archive! please send questions, comments , or suggestions! I will answer EVERY ONE! thank you! hope your pet is styling! p.s. add me to your friends list! my username is the same as my name here! and by the way I cant keep making this archive unless you give me feedback and questions! please send! bye!

    1. #838826


      Wow! You’re great! It’s like watching the new improved what not to wear show! You know a lot about fashion! Maybe I can get my sister to make a forum about fashion so she can talk to you about fashion! You have an amazing talent!

      • #838887


        thanks so much! that means a lot!

    2. #838798


      hi everyone! welcome to my latest fashion archive!!! I always talk about what to wear but what should you not wear? here are the top five fashion don’ts! 1. don’t mix a lot of patterns together. your outfit should be a patterned bottom and then a plain color shirt. 2. don’t have to many colors going on. you can have more then one color but don’t have a ton. I keep my outfits so there are about three colors but there are little accents of the same color. 3. don’t have every piece of clothing such as: glasses top pants hat shoes belt. that makes your pet look to crowded in clothes. 4. neon does not need to be in every piece of clothes your pet wears. that’s to wild . 5. and the most important rule is that we are in the 21st century people!!! this is the time were you look like you just came off the runway!! dress chic and hip . now here is a perfect lazy day outfit!!! for girls : purple leggings , yellow tank top , and fuzzy slippers. this comes to only $200 !!! now for boys : camo cargo pants , blue t-shirt and moccasins. this outfit comes to $165!! your fashionable friend mollyberger p.s. next time I give out 2 clothing recipes! and I also give tips on winning beauty contests!!

    3. #836646


      hi everybody!!! this is my second fashion archive!!! today I want to talk about BOWS!!!!! bows are a easy way to add a little accessory to your outfit!!! and bows are super cheap !! now you want to keep your webkinz warm this winter so the perfect thing for girls are fuzzy pink earmuffs and for boys wooly flap hat. now here is a adorable outfit that I have come up with!! it is appropriate for a webkinz that is out in the clubhouse or just hanging out at home!! : fancy turquoise blouse , blue bow , white jeans . this outfit comes to only $130!!! here is a boy version : blue t- shirt , cargo pants , purple sneakers . this outfit comes to only $130!!! your fashionable friend mollyberger p.s. next time I give advice on the perfect lazy stay at home day outfit!! and I give the top five fashion don’ts list!!!

      • #838107


        Molly I couldn’t throw a party last night :(. But would this Sunday night work? I know this is a lot to ask, but ya think? And I like your new fashion archive, I’m not exactly sure what it is but it sounds cool! Lol. Should I make a new post about outfits & tell people some more of my ideas? I like that fancy turquoise outfit!

        • #838240


          I mean I don’t know what an archive is.

        • #838550


          yup sunday will work. I think that we should start a column together!! I put a post about it in your forumn about people friending you on webkinz world!!! check it out!!

          • #838734


            I did GREAT IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!! I will start planning the party right away!

      • #844102


        Okay I found something I thought was cute ……… the sparkly pink bow ($15) , stripy cardigan top ($150) , cuffed jeans ($60) , ruffled sequin sandals ($45) which only adds up to $270!!!!! Not bad huh.

    4. #836534


      hi bgos !!! a sheep is a hard animal to dress but here is a outfit!! a tomboy doesn’t mean it has to be boyish!! you dress your pet a bit more edgy !! so here is what I came up with!! chic polka dot skirt purple mod hat red t -shirt blue mary janes sorry I wasn’t able to incorporate more blue!! if this doesn’t look good im sorry!! this is my first fashion question!! so PLEASE TELL ME IF IT TURNS OUT HORRIBLE!!!!! I will be sure to check out your forum!! your friend mollyberger

      • #836597


        Hey I just wanted to get my opinion out there about headbands. Headbads are adorable but on Webkinz they just look flat out weird and uncute. I think Webkinz should change it so you just see the front part peeks out from their fur. Also they should be up and tilted more. You know the way real people wear them? Whose with me? ~crazy011~

        • #836598



          • #836630


            I totally agree!! in my opinion the headbands that they already have look pretty good but the way you say sounds better!!!

            • #844096


              it can depend which webkinz it is on and also a simple plain jeans with a cute shirt is cute too

      • #837237


        I like the out fit! Thanks! Um, I don’t know about the blue with red & purple, but it is pretty cute! Really CUTE! Hey I’m thinking of throwing a party, would you be interested in coming?

        • #837317


          hi bgos!! it is great you liked the outfit! I was kinda worried it would turn out horrible. thanks !! it means a lot to me!! I would be totally interested in coming to the party!! but I am busy on Saturday but I could do it sunday night!!

      • #838116


        Oh, hey Molly! If you want to see what my outfit looks like, check out my my page!

      • #846426


        i don’t think that there is such a thing as a chic polka dot skirt. sorry to disappoint you. i just thought that i had better let you know about that little misunderstanding there. my username is Lizzard777. I’m telling you that so we can become friends on Webkinz World. thanks for listening (reading) to what i have had to say. ~Lizzard777~

    5. #835721


      Hey! I’m a pure white sheep! I’m a girl named Mary, definitely tom-boyish! My favorite color is blue! Budget is whatever it takes! Lol. The occasion is the holidays! I LOVE FASHION! I have a forum too! Check it out!

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