My first trade list!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives My first trade list!

This topic contains 141 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  Angelthepup22 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #772018


    Zodiac Air shoes, pants, shirt and hat
    Zodiac Earth shirt, hat, pants and shoes
    Road trip yellow shirt and hat
    Road trip red shirt and hat
    Good to be the king dress
    Pink berets
    Springtime laced heels
    Springtime Cardigan
    Springtime leather skirt
    Girl cave explorer top, skirt and hat
    Team lug shirt
    Magnolia tree
    Green stage light x2
    Vases of pink petunia’s x3
    Pretty pink roses x3
    Glowing lamp x2
    Blooming coffee table x6
    Nafaria potted vine x2
    Nafaria House candelabra x5
    Alyssa House candelabra x5
    Nafaria plush x5
    Touring van x2
    2011 touring van
    2012 touring van x3
    Tangerine chair
    Blue striped chair x4
    Rose Zircon birthstone gem lamp
    Garnet birthstone gem lamp
    Amethyst birthstone gem lamp
    Aquamarine birthstone gem lamp
    Diamond birthstone gem lamp
    Sapphire birthstone gem lamp
    May birthstone gem lamp
    Alexandrite birthstone gem lamp
    PJ Collie framed poster
    Lavender love letters
    Nibbles Camcorder
    Alex ‘Kinz plushie
    Cowabelle ‘Kinz plushie
    Roberta ‘Kinz plushie
    Nibbles ‘Kinz plushie
    As soon as this goes up I will post the other part and my wish list!

    1. #775008


      By the way, I have the neo gothic coffee table! ~ranlove2~

    2. #773827


      Hi everyone! I am also looking for many adventure park items, old Christmas and Halloween items as well as some items from the clubhouse too. So if you have any of these I would love it if you could tell me which ones you have so I can tell you if I need them. Good luck trading! :) ~LT~

      • #774916

        I have a few extra digging prizes from AP. Is there anything specific you were looking for?

        • #775054


          Well I only have a few of them so I probably need all the ones you have :P Let me know which ones you have and I will tell you if I need them ;) LT

    3. #774397

      Ok, got another offer for you. If you still need the aztec bed, would you trade it for the neo gothic tv and both victorian garden benches? LMK ~mom~

      • #774454


        Hmm I suppose. Did you check the values?

        • #774600

          No, just going by memory. But it’s old (my memory), so if you want to check before we trade that’s fine. It was not my intention to stop the other trade, so I hope there are no hard feelings. I am going to send you some things from your wishlist. These won’t be included in the trade, so don’t think you have to send anything back. Glad we could work out a trade and hope to do it again soon.

          • #775051


            Yes thanks for the gift. Of course there are no hard feeling :) And I hope we can trade again! LT

            • #775408

              Ok, I guess I might have been a little confusing with the previous message. The chair and flowers were the gift. The bed was part of the trade. I just wanted to make sure that I was still getting the benches and tv. For the AP prizes, I have pink and purple rock clusters, boris’ pickaxe, salley cat bobblehead, or the kinz plushes. LMK if you need any of those.

    4. #773719

      i would like to have neo gothic stuff and persian and medival i have clothing recepes stuff for trade ~ Thunderhead Forever!

      • #774327


        I will gladly trade medieval Persian or neo gothic items but at the moment I don’t need clothing recipes stuff sorry. Take a look at my wish list on the other page to see if there is anything you have :) ~LT~

      • #775516


        Hi angel, would you trade recipe foods for some of those items? Our faves are Shepherd Pie, fruit salad and peanut butter and banana sandwich. LMK which items you needs, some, all, JLMK. I may have extras, maybe not all of them, I can check, DF

    5. #773491

      would you trade plumpys engagement braclet for Witch’s brew bathtub? then i could give it to MORHB plmk if not i may trade the slide and braclet for something else on ur list.

      • #774173


        I would like to see if I can just trade the tub with MORHB first. But feel free to take a look at anything else on my list!! And thanks for the fashion panels!! :) ~LT~

      • #773969

        Thanks MNM. But someone else already sent it.

      • #774326


        Hey MORHB doesn’t need the tub anymore so I will gladly trade it for some items that I need from you!! :D LT

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