My Trade List 1

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives My Trade List 1

This topic contains 18 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  zeromyhero 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #764280


    This is the list of items I am willing to trade: Exclusives- Bubble Wrap Chair, Holiday- Purple Christmas Tree, Nakamas Bracelet, Magnificent Menorah, Road Trip items- 2011 Road Trip poster and pop art. Regular Items- Chattering Teeth toy. Clothing-( I have a lot) Zodiac Air Headdress, Green Pop star dress, Free ride zingo hat, Lumber Jack coat, yellow and red road trip hats, Team Rafi and Sera T-shirts, Green Star struck shades, Good and Bad Fairy Magical Charm Forest T-shirts, Rocking Reindeer Sweater, Spiral Designer Dress, Webkinz Gown ( for the right price), spring running jacket, Breezy Motorcycle Jacket, Race Car Driver Outfit. … More to come.

    1. #771208

      zeromyhero do you need the medvial side table lmk

      • #771984


        YES!!!!!!!!! I would love the side table. Do you have any Roman or Egyptian pieces you would like to trade also?

    2. #770832


      Hi @zeromyhero not sure if you’ve seen my reply. Is the trade (medieval dresser curtain and torch for the purple tree) still ok with you? If it’s ok with you can we send the items through kinzpost? Send me a friend request my un is ladygaudiel. When i accept, i’ll send my end first.

      • #771389


        Okay I will send the friend request. My UN is the same from here.

    3. #768918


      is sending through kinzpost ok? send me a request. my UN is ladygaudiel

    4. #768474


      I can do the dresser, torch and curtain for the tree. no problem send me a request my UN is ladygaudiel. what other medieval items are you looking for? i’m also interested in the chattering toy teeth and lumberjack coat. when we finish the first trade hopefully we can work out a second one. PLMK. Thanks! ~gaudi

      • #768912


        Hi Lady G, you want the teeth? I can send you some, I don’t like them but can’t just sell them, hoarder thing. Please do me favor and take them, TTYL DF

        • #769618


          @ DF Thanks so much for your gift you’re such a great friend! if you see anything on my list that you like it’s yours. ~gaudi

        • #770031

          lol DF. Aren’t those the ugliest, freakiest things you ever saw? Well maybe not, but man those things give me the creeps, lol. Hope all is well with you. ~mom~

    5. #767289


      hey @zeromyhero i could switch one of the items for a medieval dresser. PLMK which 3 out of the 4 you want for the tree. hope to trade with you. PLMK ~ladygaudiel

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