Naming service!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Naming service!!

This topic contains 71 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Snowflake Pup Queen 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #785846


    I know theres alot of them but i wanted to make a naming buisness. I also want to be a 2 in one naming buisness. I want to be able to give names to people who need help naming their webkinz but i also wanna tell somebody what kind of webkinz pet i think they are most like. So all i need is for you to tell me your gender, personality, your favourite colour and your favourite genre of music. (what kind of music you listen to). sorry if it seems like im copying the others i just really wanna try this out!! :)

    1. #825449

      and foxstar i don’t know if your a big gamer but what do you think of the new games systems they’ve made like xbox 1 wii u 2 ds. me i say rip off also the ps3 and ps4 some are not released yet

      • #826332

        3ds though awsome my brother has a 3ds i have a dsi which i think they are awesome

    2. #824600

      HAPPY HALLOWEEN HEY. Just posting this hoping it post on or before Halloween or all hallows eve and i love the Canadian accent it just is so awesome go Canada, hey.

      • #825413

        lol i acually JUST found anothere canadian on webkinz, the ONLY canadian i have met on there so far, and i love halloween, it is the best thing ever! ~~Ash (P.S to me, your the one with the accent XD)

        • #825415


          ugh logged in on wrong account again, my brother needs ot learn to log back on here when he is done XD ~~Ash

    3. #824496

      Hello foxstar2000! This is my complete personality, even though you already told me what pet I am. :) I didn’t think I put enough information. I’m a girl who is smart, nerdy, in-between being a tomboy and a girly girl, adventurous, brave, and extremely shy. I love to play classical piano. My favourite colours are pink,blue, purple, and lots of others. My favourite genre of music is classical. My favourite animals are dogs. I love bichon frises, corgis, labradors, and wire coat fox terriers. I enjoy reading mystery and adventure types of books. Have a sweet day!~SC

      • #824812

        me brave only if you count attempting front hand spring never doing a perfect one brave shy hmm lets see extremely nerdy you know it

        • #825159

          I think attempting front hand spring does count as being brave. It looks hard. I never tried to do it, but I don’t think I can do it anyway. Although I’m a lean and tall person,I’m not very flexible. :(

    4. #823722

      I really love the two colors purple and blue and i’m a girl and I love rock , jazz , pop, and I’m always happy and full of energy . I also need a name for a bubblegumasaurus and spooky pup and Mazn Hamster Spooky I was going to name on pumkin or both of then Spooky but I thought that might be stupid. – Owl out :D

    5. #823168


      Hey guys, so, it looks like some people have taken notice in my forum again, so im gonna repost this commnt. This comment is about, you guys getting to name what pet you think i would be :) Ok, so, I am a girl and i am load, annoying, sarcastic, funny, unique, idk there is alot of words to describe me! I love to play vidoe games, mainly MineCraft, Halo reach, or HappyWars (I play them on Xbox 360) I love to sing to, but im no good at it XD. I also love sports, mainly soccer and foot ball, but my dad wont let me join the foot ball team next year because he is worried i will get hurt :p. My favourite colours are Orange and Black. I have over 40 webkinz now and i have been on webkinz since 2007 and i still love webkinz and i hopefully always will. My favourite holidays are halloween and christmas. My favourite Type of music is rock and rap (Like Eminem (Rap) and Nickleback (Rock), Shinedown (Rock) Bon Jovi (Rock)) I do listen to older songs that usually arent played on the radio any more. There is so much more that i could say, but im going to leave it at that :) ~~Ash

      • #823432

        well foxstar honestl you are probably good yet i feel like when i just sing plainly its like claws on a chalk board but you know

      • #823507

        Rockerz……FOX but seriously

      • #824497

        One of my cousins has a black and white rabbit named Jovi after Bon Jovi. Their mum likes Bon Jovi, that’s why.

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