Need Mr Moo Ice Cream

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Need Mr Moo Ice Cream

This topic contains 26 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  birdseye11 12 years ago.

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  • #718917


    i have rares, any exclusive, adventure park stuff for any ice cream from mr moo. plmk if you’re interested in trading.

    1. #720562


      By the way, I am ChipmunkK98. -birdseye-

    2. #720558


      Hey cutieny, I don’t care what flavors they are. I have pink, green, yellow, and blue. Which one do you want? -birdseye-

      • #721312


        Hi, the pink crystal flower and the sera shirt would be good for two ice creams. :) You have already friended me. I will send you the ice creams, you can send later when you recieve them. Thanks!

        • #721318


          Oh! And the one in the middle is Powderpuff Porcupine PSF. I found the pretty candy cone, just so you know. :)

    3. #719559

      Chloe, I’ve been trying to catch you to let you know I sent you a birthday gift. just chk your pts on clo91. Happy Early Birthday!!! :) Have a wonderful birthday!!! And thanks for the gift!! Leah

      • #719705


        Hi Leah, I left a post for you some where around here! Some days I can’t even find my own, LOL The time lap is so amazingly long, it’s no wonder. Hoping you are keeping points for your self, I could tell you like mixing it up with the estore, me too. Always interesting. Thanks for the gift, TTYS Chloe PS did you get the new estore items today?

    4. #719552


      Hey Cuteny2008, I have a Sera the mermaid T-Shirt, cloud pants, diving bell helmet thing, pink diving bell pants, the entire earth zodiac costume, and some crystal flowers. I also have the 2 cave explorer tops, 1 pair of cave explorer shoes, 1 pair of cave explorer heeled shoes, and 1 cave explorer bottom. PLMK. -birdseye-

      • #719650


        Hi! I think the sera shirt and a crystal flower would be nice. I think I have two different ice creams. What color of crystal flowers do you have? My UN is same as here. I would be happy to send, though if you are uncomfortable with that, JLMK. Thanks! (I know I have Candy Cream, and either spicy squash or chocolate chili. I’ll LYK.)

    5. #719396


      Dogfish i just got the gift you sent. You are so nice. Thank you! I really hope i can return the favor soon.

      • #719415


        Hey Duchess and Lady, if I duplicate anything, don’t tell me. LOL If I miss something from the clothing PLMK. Duchess, I send more as soon as you accept my request. TTYL DF

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