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Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Need something Deluxe? Click HERE!

This topic contains 143 replies, has 88 voices, and was last updated by  hayleys25 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #773477


    I got a deluxe membership and if you want the latest deluxe trends, just friend me (4cheechees) &i will send any deluxe clothing u want!!! Cool right? Just tell me yr username & request cool clothes!

    1. #775461

      Wow are you sure? My username is morrann. I don’t mind what you send me, but I will send you something back because you are so nice :)

    2. #775459


      your so nice yeah I’ll friend you send me anything really thanks

    3. #775676


      hi i am DDDUUUMMM098 i want the red sparkly winged belt or tiger print dress

    4. #775686


      Could I please have the Floral Long Dress, the Rainbow Swimsuit and if you can afford it/would want to give it to someone, the Delightful Dining Dress? Thank you so much you are so nice. My UN on webkinz is Zmile and I added you as a friend :)

    5. #775687

      Can I have the Delightful Dining Dress, Lovely Lavender Dress, and Floral Long Dress? Thank you, you are the nicest person ever! My username is BlackLollypop.

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