Needing nutcracker boots!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Needing nutcracker boots!

This topic contains 19 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Ailuropoda 12 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #698403


    Hello! I am in need of nutcracker boots and other deluxe only clothing pieces at the kinzstyle outlet. PLMK if you have them and what you would like in return. Thanks! -WF

    1. #702821


      @ferret: Thank you ferret but I no longer need the hat or parka. However, I would still like to give you the pet food for your thoughtfulness! Add me at WebkinzLuver2010. Thanks! -WF

    2. #702806


      Oh my gosh! Thanks so much sisterleah! That was amazing! How can I ever repay you? Its alright, you don’t have to spend your time looking for the boots. You have already done so much for me. Thank you! :D -WF

    3. #702562


      Hey sisterleah! You are a great friend too! What do you mean by fix my deluxe issue? PLMK -WF

      • #702658

        Fixing your deluxe issue is a secret. :) Now, let me see if I have a pair of extra nutcraker boots!!! I think I only picked up one pair, but may have two!! Sometimes I pick up extras for another pet… I have a big family.

        • #702674

          i cannot find one single pair of nutcracker boots! I know I bought at least one pair (to go with my nutcracker outfit). But can’t find them. I have too many closets. I even checked my other accounts and couldn’t find one single pair. I am sorry. Fixed your deluxe problem tho, I think.

    4. #702561


      @ ferret: Thanks! I have a lot of pet food. I will find some cool ones to send to you! Thanks again ferret! :D -WF

    5. #702524

      WF – you are a good friend. Do you need me to fix your deluxe issue?? Just say yes.

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