Needing sail clothes, social media, melodies, and more! ~+~SAG~+~

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Needing sail clothes, social media, melodies, and more! ~+~SAG~+~

This topic contains 43 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  schnauzersaregreat 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #91638

    <p>Hey guys! I’m really low on priceless. I still have some good items so just LMK what you want for these items is u have them! THX. ~+~SAG~+~

    1. #684334

      fudgeyvanilla wrote on 2012-11-24 at 05:17 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-11-20 at 06:55 PM

      DeluxeQueen00 wrote on 2012-11-20 at 02:55 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-11-19 at 05:46 PM
      Hey guys! I’m really low on priceless. I still have some good items so just LMK what you want for these items is u have them! THX. ~+~SAG~+~

      Hey there SAG here is my Priceless list:
      Emotion Jeans (Emo)
      Plumpy’s Glasses
      Sailor’s Blouse (Girl)
      Scuba Oxygen Belt
      Swirling Leaf Tiara (Swirl)
      I am really picky on the Emo and Blouse, so just LMK!

      Bailey-No, I don’t have any gemsters.
      DQ- I have pretty much everything on your list. I don’t know if I need the girls blouse or not.
      Cutie- Is it the second sail boy shirt? PLMK THX. Guys I have full Cap’t, Plumpy, Emo, And I might have more. I also have the glacial fox PSI and the caketop chair psi.

      you call that running low on priceless? for heavens sake you have emo jeans!
      (for me thats greater then the first person to get to the moon.) LOL anywho, you would so not be intrested in my clothing items,but i have some cool stuff too!
      E-STORE PSI: spring melody harp, DIAMOND PIANO! truck of terror
      SIGNATURE PSI: water dog falls, CATS MEOW GARDEN! sunny savannah oasis?
      icy artic organ, bamboo chute slide, sly slide, and more? PLMKSNOL

      Cutie- Yes it is the caketop chair=) Hey, I’d trade you and amount of PSIS for 7,000 E-Store points. Do you have any? PLMK THX.
      Fudgey- All I have for my boy pets is wacky, cap’t and plumpy. I just hate to see them in the same outfit every single day. But I just really want some new priceless but I just want to keep my stuff because I still like it.

    2. #684301

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-11-20 at 06:55 PM

      DeluxeQueen00 wrote on 2012-11-20 at 02:55 PM

      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-11-19 at 05:46 PM
      Hey guys! I’m really low on priceless. I still have some good items so just LMK what you want for these items is u have them! THX. ~+~SAG~+~

      Hey there SAG here is my Priceless list:
      Emotion Jeans (Emo)
      Plumpy’s Glasses
      Sailor’s Blouse (Girl)
      Scuba Oxygen Belt
      Swirling Leaf Tiara (Swirl)
      I am really picky on the Emo and Blouse, so just LMK!

      Bailey-No, I don’t have any gemsters.
      DQ- I have pretty much everything on your list. I don’t know if I need the girls blouse or not.
      Cutie- Is it the second sail boy shirt? PLMK THX. Guys I have full Cap’t, Plumpy, Emo, And I might have more. I also have the glacial fox PSI and the caketop chair psi.

      you call that running low on priceless? for heavens sake you have emo jeans!
      (for me thats greater then the first person to get to the moon.) LOL anywho, you would so not be intrested in my clothing items,but i have some cool stuff too!
      E-STORE PSI: spring melody harp, DIAMOND PIANO! truck of terror
      SIGNATURE PSI: water dog falls, CATS MEOW GARDEN! sunny savannah oasis?
      icy artic organ, bamboo chute slide, sly slide, and more? PLMKSNOL

    3. #684292


      schnauzersaregreat wrote on 2012-11-21 at 04:47 PM

      Cutie- I have the glacial fox PSI, the sugar coated kitty PSI, the grape soda pup PSI, Full cap’t outfit (VERY PICKY), emo jeans IDK, and plumpy. I have the beachball costume and wacky but it is not for trade


      Sorry for my late reply, I was out of town for Thanksgiving and just got back today. I’m not really interested in the capt’n outfit, grape soda pup psi, or glacial fox psi. Is the sugar coated kitty psi the caketop tower? I may need emo jeans but I can see you’re not sure about trading them. I’m open to anything, just LMK. Thanks!

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