Neo Gothic Dining Chairs

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Neo Gothic Dining Chairs

This topic contains 49 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  momofredheadboys 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #776601

    These were at the Curio Shop on Saturday. I missed them. Did anyone buy any extra? They were 745 KC. I need 3 and will give a 1000 KC coin for each. If you can help me out, please let me know. Thanks ~MORHB~

    1. #786685

      Hi Lamb. I seen your message get approved, but it is not showing for some reason. So I clicked on your name to read it. You can send the extra chair back to me. I do have someone else who could use it. Or if you have a friend MrMerk, you can send it to them. I was short one chair for them. Thanks. Hope to trade again soon. ~mom~

      • #787204


        Ok but I think I already sent it. Not sure. PLMK. Thanks, LT

        • #787654

          I will check my mail again, but I don’t think you did. If you used it somewhere that’s okay too. ~MORHB~

          • #787967

            I never got the chair back from you. Just wanted to let you know I checked for it. Let me know if you still have it or not. ~mom~

            • #788310


              Ok I sent it. I guess I was just waiting to tell you before I sent it back, because it was sitting in my dock. LOL. Anyways, I’m putting up a new forum (its taking forever) and I would love it if you could take a look when it goes up so we can try to figure out a trade for that snow globe! Thanks, LT

    2. #785979

      I wouldn’t mind getting any neo gothic stuff because I am making a room theme of it and I am not far on it at all. I have the grandfather clock and the wallpaper and the dresser. I would really like any neo gothic stuff. I am always looking for neo gothic stuff and have practically no neo gothic stuff. lol :) I am called christaalohabear22 on ww and I will take any neo gothic stuff you are willing to send to me. i look for the neo gothic stuff every day but never find it. i will take any of the neo gothic stuff you give me and put it in my room. and send a gift back to you. i would like extras also so if you have extras to give i will take anything you give to me. oh and i also have the neo gothic dress. somebody sent it to me. so if you have any neo gothic stuff that you want to give away, i will gladly take it. :) PS: i will not be on here everyday to see if someone responded to this post. sorry. :(

      • #788147

        Hi christa. I don’t have any extra neo gothic stuff at the moment. If I do find or buy some I will let you know. Just send me a friends request and I will see what I can do for you. ~MORHB~

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