New Clothing Recipes

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives New Clothing Recipes

This topic contains 15 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  chia 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #682399


    The only newer recipe that I know is the pretty plaid gown it is: blue and green kilt+fall floral dress+ruffled sequin sandals.
    i promise it works!!

    1. #682553


      I want to get the neon tutu anybody know how?

    2. #682484


      winnie1120 wrote on 2012-11-17 at 07:46 PM

      Doglove wrote on 2012-11-17 at 11:15 AM
      Do you want to get the new recipes. If we all work together we can solve them.

      I want that new vest!
      What do think is in it? Would there be newer cloths in it? Or old ones? :-)

      I think the black vest is in it.

    3. #682477


      Doglove wrote on 2012-11-17 at 11:15 AM

      Do you want to get the new recipes. If we all work together we can solve them.

      I want that new vest!

      What do think is in it? Would there be newer cloths in it? Or old ones? :-)

    4. #682434


      craftfun wrote on 2012-11-17 at 01:40 PM

      The only newer recipe that I know is the pretty plaid gown it is: blue and green kilt+fall floral dress+ruffled sequin sandals.
      i promise it works!!

      It did work!!! Thanks it is sooo cute!!!

    5. #682399


      The only newer recipe that I know is the pretty plaid gown it is: blue and green kilt+fall floral dress+ruffled sequin sandals.
      i promise it works!!

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