New Goober Game

Home Forums Games – Archives New Goober Game

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  True2MyWord1 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #807938


    Having got to the final room of the game, but not having quite enough stars to unlock it, it offers an opportunity to pay with estore points to open the final room. Does anyone know how many estore points you need and where you go redeem them to unlock the room?

    1. #827792


      Hmm… I never knew you could create a black hole effect. Sounds cool!

    2. #826307


      What is a cheat engine? I can’t see any point in cheating, as you rob yourself of the enjoyment of winning it properly. I wouldn’t use one, I prefer to actually complete it myself, even if it takes me a while.

      • #850298


        Many many people use them! A user can add to their cash amount plus control the game. This is a cancer in webkinz! They Ganz doesn’t care they just want to make money.

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