New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 173 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  puffthemagicdragon 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86326


    <p>Are you looking forsomething to do on Webkinz? Do you ever think of designing a new room? Before you do ANYTHING, come to me, and tell me the following things: what kind of room it is, if it’s for a boy or girl, what’s your budget, what size room it is, if you want me to give you a layout, and how many doors the room has. Also, if you want to see specific items in there, please let me know! I promise to give you a new, fresh look for your room! My user name on Webkinz is snowy572. I will accept all friend requests!

    1. #618380

      snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-16 at 09:29 AM

      Congragulations to goldfishkoi8088! She is the Friday night winner! Here is the item for today:
      Cream Crescent Dining Chair

      Oh, Im a boy. :)

    2. #617770


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-16 at 09:29 AM

      Congragulations to goldfishkoi8088! She is the Friday night winner! Here is the item for today:
      Cream Crescent Dining Chair

      City Styling

    3. #617736


      I have a large room with all the items from the city styling collection. I would like a layout for the items.

      I have a small room that I don’t know what to do with it. Can you pick a type of room and design it. I would llike a layout.(1500)

      I have a mediem bedroom for a Lil’ Polar Bear named Destiny: She is a cool dancer, zany and adventurous. She thinks collecting stamps is really awesome. She’d love to eat cake and get a porcelain tea set. will you design a room and give me a layout.(3000)

      I have a large room that I don’t know what to do with it. Can you pick a type of room and design it. I would like a layout.(5000)

    4. #617454


      Congragulations to goldfishkoi8088! She is the Friday night winner! Here is the item for today:

      Cream Crescent Dining Chair

    5. #617251

      Atlantis Theme! :)

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