New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 173 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  puffthemagicdragon 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86326


    <p>Are you looking forsomething to do on Webkinz? Do you ever think of designing a new room? Before you do ANYTHING, come to me, and tell me the following things: what kind of room it is, if it’s for a boy or girl, what’s your budget, what size room it is, if you want me to give you a layout, and how many doors the room has. Also, if you want to see specific items in there, please let me know! I promise to give you a new, fresh look for your room! My user name on Webkinz is snowy572. I will accept all friend requests!

    1. #619749


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-20 at 08:32 PM

      Pkmntrainer15 wrote on 2012-06-20 at 06:37 PM
      I would like a bedroom on a free account for a boy mutt named Buddy who needs a room under 500. Good luck!

      Here is the list:
      -Creamy Vanilla Bed $395
      -Golden Hardwood Flooring$100
      -Green Wall Paint $50
      The total is $545…..hope this helps! Tell your friends!

      Sorry I had to go over your budget. This was the cheapest bed there. I wanted to try to make your room look nice.

    2. #619724


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-20 at 04:50 PM

      sameis wrote on 2012-06-20 at 08:23 AM
      yes the fiirst room is what you were talking about

      With the mocha flooring and wallpaper?


    3. #619683


      snowy527 wrote on 2012-06-20 at 04:50 PM

      sameis wrote on 2012-06-20 at 08:23 AM
      yes the fiirst room is what you were talking about

      With the mocha flooring and wallpaper?

      sameis, I tried posting the layout for your room but it didn’t post. I suggest you go into the W-shop and look at the theme preview. Again I am sorry :(

    4. #619658


      ShiningStar13 wrote on 2012-06-20 at 08:14 PM

      I would like 2 bathrooms for my pets please. the pets are both girls and my budget is 2000 KC each. I would apreciate it if you could stay under 2000 KC. sorry if this is a small budget.thanks!

      Here is the first bathroom:
      -Undersea Wallpaper $100
      -Fantastic Fantasy Flooring $125
      -Daffodil Toilet $325
      -Daffodil Bathroom Sink $300
      -Simply Chic Towel Rack $200
      -Mosaic Mirror Set $300
      -Porcelain Bathtub $775
      The total is $2125…sorry that I went over :( I will make sure that I go under by $125 for this next one.
      For your other bathroom:
      -Pop Star Wallpaper $100
      -Pop Star Flooring $100
      -Porcelain Toilet $200
      -Porcelain Sink $185
      -Porcelain Bathtub $775
      -Fanciful Bathroom Mirror $245
      -Ponytail Palm $110
      The total is $1715…..hope this helps! Tell your friends!

    5. #619645


      Pkmntrainer15 wrote on 2012-06-20 at 06:37 PM

      I would like a bedroom on a free account for a boy mutt named Buddy who needs a room under 500. Good luck!

      Here is the list:
      -Creamy Vanilla Bed $395
      -Golden Hardwood Flooring$100
      -Green Wall Paint $50
      The total is $545…..hope this helps! Tell your friends!

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