New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 173 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  puffthemagicdragon 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86326


    <p>Are you looking forsomething to do on Webkinz? Do you ever think of designing a new room? Before you do ANYTHING, come to me, and tell me the following things: what kind of room it is, if it’s for a boy or girl, what’s your budget, what size room it is, if you want me to give you a layout, and how many doors the room has. Also, if you want to see specific items in there, please let me know! I promise to give you a new, fresh look for your room! My user name on Webkinz is snowy572. I will accept all friend requests!

    1. #615020


      I have a small room with two doors for a walk in closet (2000) and a medium room with three doors for a bedroom (3000) for this pet: A girl bullfrog that is named Carly. She is unique, outgoing, and a cool dancer. She likes riding a bike, loves pancakes, and wants a tubby tummies tan bear.

    2. #615006


      mariealyse2012 wrote on 2012-06-11 at 07:45 AM

      Ok so for my favorite yellow lab dog i want something that kind of pops not like wow but cute! It’s a girl.Medium sized .Budget can be 3,000 but more might be ok

      mariealyse2012, here is what I’m thinking:
      -Funky Girl Wallpaper $100
      -Funky Parquet Flooring $100
      -Crazy Colorful Bed $400
      -2 Beaming Yellow Chairs $300 total
      -Kids’ Play TV $550
      -Funky Girl Dresser $520
      -3 Funky Girl Chairs $420 total
      -Funky Girl Coffee Table $300
      -Shaggy White Rug $160
      -Best of Fun Stuff Craft Book $90
      That is a total of $2940. Please tell me what you think……hope this helps! Is mariealyse2012 your Webkinz username? I would like to become friends!

    3. #615001


      Also HammyHam, you should maybe try adding the arcade units from Spree!

    4. #615000


      HammyHam, I decided to create a party room for you, so tell me if you like it or not. It’s kind of like a modern, big city party room. You will need a medium room to put everything in:
      -Mega Modern Wallpaper $250
      -Gold Square Flooring $125
      -LED Entertainment Unit $900
      -Sonic Sounds Waves Set $550
      -Stasis Sofa $550
      -Dehydrotrope Drink Bar $615
      -Dehydrotrope Drink Bar Chairs $400 total
      The total is $3585. I chose between $3000 and $4000 because most of my customers are picking $3000 and I wanted to make your room awesome, but as Webkinz makes new room themes, they get expensive. Please tell me if you would like me to do something different…..hope this helps!

    5. #614978

      Ok so for my favorite yellow lab dog i want something that kind of pops not like wow but cute! It’s a girl.Medium sized .Budget can be 3,000 but more might be ok

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