New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives New Room Designs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This topic contains 173 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  puffthemagicdragon 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #86326


    <p>Are you looking forsomething to do on Webkinz? Do you ever think of designing a new room? Before you do ANYTHING, come to me, and tell me the following things: what kind of room it is, if it’s for a boy or girl, what’s your budget, what size room it is, if you want me to give you a layout, and how many doors the room has. Also, if you want to see specific items in there, please let me know! I promise to give you a new, fresh look for your room! My user name on Webkinz is snowy572. I will accept all friend requests!

    1. #615471


      Lucky!!!! You got the pet!!! I was originally thinking of having those trees in the first place……great minds think alike!

    2. #615469

      Yes! you totally should! I would vote 5 stars! Oh yeah my username is goldfishkoi8088! :)

    3. #615466

      OMG! Of course I will friend you! I have no Budget, because I usually gradually work on these type of things. I just know that I REALLY want the room to be EXTREMELY Asian influenced! I can only really work with W-Shop items, for I dont have eStore. It has to be really Asian influenced so that my Signature Endangered Red Panda feels at home. Can we include the cherry blossoms, though? Thanks and have an amazing day! :) ps:I just got the pet of the month today! XD ~goldfishkoi8088 (send me a request!) :)

    4. #615361


      Make sure to tell your friends….do you think I should try posting my room designs in the share center?

    5. #615352


      Hey….thanks for your username! Be sure to be here on the weekend for the contest, because you might be a winner! Did you like your room design?

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