New Webkinz Pet Idea

Home Forums Suggestions – Archives New Webkinz Pet Idea

This topic contains 9 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Bluestar3 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #785994


    I think ganz should come out with a rescue dog as a webkinz. it would be like a mutt. they should also make it a plush so everyone can buy it, and not just estore. its psf should be dry dog food, and its psi should be a dog bed. Also, Some of the profits they make from the rescue dog should go to the ASPCA. they already have a cat mutt (Alley Cat), so why not a dog mutt? i believe it would make more people aware of rescue dogs and Ganz would be doing a good deed by donating a part of their profits. So, what do you guys think? . -katyloomeme

    1. #831200


      Maybe Ganz could have Signature Rescue Animals! Then there could be Rescue Dog, Rescue Cat, Rescue Border Collie, and so on.

    2. #831165


      That’s a good idea, because Webkinz already got rid of the Caring Valley and Webkinz Cares, and now isn’t really helping people.

    3. #828209


      thats a great idea! I love the idea of donating to ASPCA too :)

    4. #805324


      I Love The Idea! I Love The Donation Part! I Would Defiantly Get That! I Also Think They Should Make a Signature Rottweiler, a Shiba Inu, A Bobcat, a Newfoundland and a Paint Splattered Puppy. (The Paint Splattered Puppy Would Look Like The Earth Puppy Except all White With Neon Paint Splatters!) I Hope You Like My Ideas! ~Pets405

    5. #801472


      perhaps they make a regular pet of it then also a signature pet too. or even be able to customize it. like if you have a mutt( like me) then you can make it look like yours. although it would make it more expensive.maybe instead of just estore they could make llike a webkinz card where its just a virtual pet so you dont have to buy the stuff animal( which makes it more expensive). you could get the webkinz card where you get the pets.

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