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This topic contains 57 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by Atomton 11 years, 3 months ago.
July 11, 2013 at 4:44 pm #784591
do your webkinz pets have a background for thier name? example: my webkinz Shanzuer is named after one of the guys in the music group Celtic Thunder. OCarinaooftime, i hope you didn’t consider this coping your forum Usename History which is where i got this idea. ~Texas Girl And Thunderhead Forever!
July 16, 2013 at 1:24 pm #785778
Here is some more! I was lazy earlier… :D My black Friesian is named Primrose after a girl in Hunger Games, my Signature Normandy Cow is named Smooch, because I really want a cow and would name her Smooch. ;) My Black Cat is named Hollyleaf after Hollyleaf in the Warriors series. My Tuxedo Cat is named Ravenpaw after Ravenpaw in the Warriors series. :D My Signature Pomeranian is named Lucky after my old neighbor’s sweet Pomeranian who passed, who’s name was Lucky. My Guinea Pig is named Rhino after the guinea pig in Bolt. :) My Springer Spaniel is named Taffy after my mom’s King Calvier Spaniel, Taffy. My Parrot is named Peppy after my mom’s grandma’s bird named Peppy, who flew so high when she escaped, they believe God took her to heaven. :D My black and white cat is named Oreo after my Turkish Van named Oreo. My Rottweiler is named Samson after our old Rottweiler named Samson. And lastly, my lion is named Dandelion because when I was little I was called Danilion (Part of my name is in there) and my parent’s would give me stuffed animal lions…like after my first dance recital. :D I have 130some Webkinz, but those are just a few! ~Veggie Vet
July 12, 2013 at 5:35 pm #785492
I got several of my horse’s names from favorite books that have horses in them and I have gotten into the habit of giving them a double name such as StarLight. My cats all have names that have a form of Cat ( Kat), Purr (Prr), or in the case of my silver tabby: her name is Tabbitha. My tigers I have taken royal titles from India or in the case of my signature white tiger: a famous gem stone from India. ( The PSI and the sapphire blue of his eyes were the inspiration for that.) Two of my pet’s names are musical puns. My tuxedo cat’s name follows the “Prr” as well as a pun on the famous Italian tenor: Luciano Pavarotti (I thought he looked a little like him especially the shape of his face) and my musical dalmation’s name is a pun on the famous composer J.S. Bach (One that is rather canine….) : JS Bark! ♪ ♫
July 12, 2013 at 5:17 pm #785089
A few of mine do! Well, my collie is Libby, so I named her after my dog. :D My first Webkinz ever, a Lil’ Kinz Chihuahua, is named Tanner because my brother was almost named that. And my Bengal Cat Spottedleaf is named after my old favorite cat in the Warriors series. :D ~Vegetarian Veterinarian
July 16, 2013 at 1:33 pm #785809
have you heard of the storie of cashew and libby? the best friends cat and dog? it was such a cute storie :)
July 16, 2013 at 1:52 pm #785927
you like the warrior series too!?!? i named my lil’leapord after LeopardFur! do you remember her!?
July 19, 2013 at 4:54 pm #788358
No, I have not heard of that Foxstar!! And yes, I LOVE WARRIORS! Have read and own every book in the series! Whoop whoop!!!!! I love Leopardfur…aka Leopardstar!! Yay! Haha, and then Mistystar replaced her. But I love Mistystar. :D May StarClan Light Your Path, ~*Hakuna Matata*~
July 24, 2013 at 5:16 pm #789932
omg, i read the manga in 4th grade but that was it, 2 years later, im starting from the begginning and i didnt know she became a clan leader!!!! thats amazing! i read the first page in the 2nd book but i finished the first and i put the 2 together and found out, tigerclaw was the one who killed redtail, and oakheart!! i loved oakheart!! i just cant believe that tigerclaw wanted to be deputy that bad :(
July 12, 2013 at 5:17 pm #785087
My most recent webkinz pet Kimball a lil’ kinz St. Bernard has some history! I got him at Kimball farm and I asked my Mom what I should name him and she suggested Kimball! I’ll post if I think of any more! Blessings! goldbybrittnicoll
July 12, 2013 at 5:03 pm #785129
I named m lil’kinz leopard after a character in a book series called warriors. It was about clan cats in 4 diffrent clans that lived in the forest and one of the cats names was LeopardFur so thats what i named my leopard!! :) I also named my webkinz rockerz monkey after C-M punk the WWE wrestler but the monkeys name is W-M punk witch stands for webkinz monkey punk!! i wanted to name my cream soda pup ami (mon ami) witch means my friend in translation to french because my parents bought him in montreal. but i named him Buddy for english :) i named my mazin’ hamster Timbit because my grandpa bought it for me and he would also always buy me timbits. i named my fox after my dog because when we adopted her, her name was Amanda and she is a fox terrier so i named my webkinz fox Amanda. i named my collie Glitter because i got her code from a trading card pack and i was hoping it was the glittery panda thing that you could only win in the cards! and last but not least i named my lil’kinz black and white cat Jasper because my cats name was Jasper and they look alike!! Those are the backstories to my pets. (i have over 20 of them though but these are the only ones with back stories.) my 2 accounts are Foxstar2000 and flower99999. anyone can add me if they want :) (spent 10 minuts typing this!! XD )
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