Podkinz Transcripts

Home Forums Webkinz – General Podkinz Transcripts

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  juliemack169 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #904019

    This topic solely contains transcripts of Podkinz episodes. All transcripts written and submitted by listeners. Please note that despite our best efforts, transcripts may include typos or errors. Please use this format when submitting transcripts: EPISODE NUMBER: TITLE then NAME: [Speaks] NAME 2: [Speaks] etc. Thank you for participating!

    1. #2017105


      I love the codes ^-^

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    2. #1757646


      Podkinz is great! Especially when they give out free codes!

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    3. #1366920


      Man I love podkinz! Epescially the codes!! I just wish I had another pet. I only have 1. Honestly.

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    4. #1163592

      Podkinz is one of my favorite things about WKN!

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      • #1367088



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    5. #967212

      Pod Kinz: please check out my Youtube channel: CupcakeKinz500: Eoisode-?~ Social Media

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