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This topic contains 17 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Allieberry2 11 years, 5 months ago.
August 12, 2013 at 4:43 pm #800183
the title mostly covered it, post 1. you’re fave. colors 2. favorite plain animal (e.g. monkey, cow, dog, cat), 3. hobby 4. favorite food, 5. whatever else you think may help me. ~ Animal lover 4eva, Cola
August 16, 2013 at 5:38 pm #802689
1.) Lighter side of blues on the color wheel, bright green (preferably neon), and red for the Huskers! 2.) Horses, cats, dogs, cows, any wild dogs, and sharks. 3.) Sports, running, VIDEO GAMES (I LOVE Halo 4 and Black-Ops and Minecraft! :D ), riding horses, playing my instruments, and reading. 4.) Vegetarian Egg Noodle Soup! (I am vegetarian also :D ). 5.) Well, I am the fastest girl in my grade. Broccoli makes me hyper :D (LOL, I don’t think that will help you…), I play 5 instruments, I love the snowy Rocky Mountains, when I am older I want to be a small animal veterinarian or a marine biologist, I love the beach. I also am addicted to Candy Crush (I love to see things explode, and it has CANDY!). I am known to be super funny, when one of my friends have a bad day, I am always the one to cheer them up. I’m sort of all the teacher’s pets… :D I love to watch football. My favorite tv shows are Master Chef, Get Out Alive by Bear Grills, Duck Dynasty, and Austin and Ally. My favorite movies are The Hunger Games, Secretariat, Iron Man, The Avengers, Jurassic Park, and Soul Surfer. I have 130-some Webkinz…and have been collecting since 2007. I LOVE to read. I even have a Kindle Paperwhite so I can read all the time! Some of my favorite books are The Hunger Games, Soul Surfer, the Duck Dynasty book, Smile, and WARRIORS! I have a collie, a Turkish Van, an Abyssinian guinea pig, and a Haflinger. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, and Hollister. I love to dress sporty more than cute. :D My favorite subject is band if that counts, and science! I love dissecting :D Haha, and if none of the girls want to do it, I am the one to do it! I am basically a tomboy. ;) That should be enough Cooter! ~Stealthstorm
August 16, 2013 at 5:37 pm #802688
hi! thanks for being so patient! sorry i haven’t been on lately… anyways, angeldog7; I’ve done some reasearch and i’m pretty sure you’re perfect ‘Kinz is the Griffin! I’m not quite sure, exactly, how my studies showed up to be that beautiful lion-eagle, but it is! iluvstick;Floppy eared bunny appears to be you’re results show-up to be the bushbaby! Chillylily; sweet tooth tiger is you’re perfect pet. i was once a vegetarian for almost six months but then we went to my grandperants house and he is like, a carnivore…. and….. OMG! i love those types of [ics
August 14, 2013 at 11:43 am #802281
1.Forest green and dark blue. 2.Wolves. 3.Video games(even though I’m a girl), riding(I love it but I don’t get to do it much anymore), and Webkinz! 4.Vegetarian(yes, I’m vegetarian) burrito and 7-layer dip. 5. I LOVE forests and I especially love pictures of mysterious wolves in forests(like it’s super dark out and the sky is DARK blue(with cool effects like two moons, Aurora Borealis(Northern Lights), etc.) and there’s a black wolf(I have a Webkinz Black Wolf) howling on a rock that jets out above the trees. I know that might sound kinda creepy, but I love it). I also love names that are really majestic and powerful sounding like Skyfall, Firefall, Moondancer, etc. I also want to be an actress. I really want to play the role of Piper McLean in ‘The Lost Hero’ and ‘The Mark of Athena’ and the books following that if they ever get to makeing movies for them. I also love to swim in my pool. I’m homeschooled. Okay, I think that should be enough. Thanks! :D
August 13, 2013 at 11:35 am #801118
Fav color: green Fav plain animal: rat ( please don’t say charming rat ) Hobby: swimming and drawing Fav food: changes from time to time Whatever else might help you: I love drawing swimming going on computer and I LOVE webkinz and I have a black+white cheeky dog ( this probably won’t help you ):
August 13, 2013 at 11:15 am #801024
all colors though i do love forest green pink burnt orange ( becuase of the Texas Longhorns) and red. animals are horses, dogs and dolphins. wathcing tv and reading but mainly reading. Hersey Chocolate! i do love to listen to music and watch old TV shows and movies ( example: Combat!, Adam-12, Rawhide for tv shows for movies That Darn Cat! the original one. Hatari!) just in case that helps you out any~Texas Girl
August 19, 2013 at 11:31 am #804097
My fav colors are turquoise, blue, green, and yellow.fav animal is Bengal cats and forest cats.fav food is tacos and muffins.fav hobbies are drawing, making crafts, and playing on webkinz.
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