Post you’re personality and ill tell you you’re perfect ‘kinz

Home Forums Pets – Archives Post you’re personality and ill tell you you’re perfect ‘kinz

This topic contains 17 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Allieberry2 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #800183

    the title mostly covered it, post 1. you’re fave. colors 2. favorite plain animal (e.g. monkey, cow, dog, cat), 3. hobby 4. favorite food, 5. whatever else you think may help me. ~ Animal lover 4eva, Cola

    1. #805386


      Hello! 1.Green, Yellow, Black, and Tan. 2. Horse Or Dog 3. Im Athletic but I also Love Eating and Adventure Time. 4.Chili and Garlic Bread (NOT TOGETHER!!) Thanks! ~Pets405

    2. #805258

      Thanks Crazy! wow! i must be unusal to get a pet like that! guess i am special, uh? ~TexasGirl

    3. #805232


      Thanks Cooter!!! You have no idea how much I want that pet!!! :D Awesome! I need to save money now! :D ~Stealthstorm

    4. #804887

      Stealthy; i read through your post and youre results apear to be the Earth puppy!!! iluvsticker; you just go like : then D you did it… just make smiley faces. :P :D :) :( :’( idk if the sad one worked or the silly one, but yea, just testing some things…

    5. #802697


      How do you do the :)s?

      • #805200


        1. Do a colon(this is a colon:) and then, without a space in between, do a capital d(D). Together it = :D . 2. Do a colon(:) and then, without a space in between, do a ( . Together it = :( . 3. Do a semicolon(this is a semicolon;) and then, without a space in between, do a ) . Together it = ;) . 4. Do a colon(:) and then, without a space in between, do a capital p(P). Together it = :P . 5. Do a colon(:) and then, without a space in between, do a ) . Together it = :) . Hope this helps(If I wasn’t clear or you don’t understand then please let me know so I can explain it in a clearer way) :D

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