Post you’re personality and ill tell you you’re perfect ‘kinz

Home Forums Pets – Archives Post you’re personality and ill tell you you’re perfect ‘kinz

This topic contains 17 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Allieberry2 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #800183

    the title mostly covered it, post 1. you’re fave. colors 2. favorite plain animal (e.g. monkey, cow, dog, cat), 3. hobby 4. favorite food, 5. whatever else you think may help me. ~ Animal lover 4eva, Cola

    1. #859443

      Member favourite colours are emerald green,silver,blue,and black 2. my favourite plain animal is a snake 3. crafting and reading and going outside 4. chocolate, 5. I love to listen to Greenday (yes its a name of a band) and i like t read Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. – thanks Kotatkocat :)

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