Questions and Answers~ icetealover123

Home Forums Tips and Tricks – Archives Questions and Answers~ icetealover123

This topic contains 24 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  style808 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #843772

    If you have questions, well, I have answers! Ask me a question about anything on Webkinz. I have experienced glitches and other things and I would be happy to help! Even if it’s a simple question like, “What is PSI?” I will answer you quickly. Keep asking!

    1. #854705


      Here’s a question! Should I create a forum where anyone who loves French stuff can come talk about the French, and if so which category should it be in?

      • #854934

        First of all, I do not think that you should create a French forum, only because these forums are for Webkinz. That is what Facebook and GMail is for. Number two, if you wanted to anyway, you should put it in Tips and Tricks, Suggestions, or Questions. PLEASE NOTE: My opinions are only here to help you, I am not forcing you to do this. Thanks!

    2. #848326

      Hi icetealover! I was wondering, how do you get those really cool charms and keys in the Magical Forest? What do you get if you get all the keys and charms? And one more question, (if you don’t mind) what do you get when you collect all of the stars in Alyssa’s Star Challenge. Just wondering…. frenchgirl123

      • #848820

        In order to get charms and keys, you must be deluxe. You have to play in Magic Mire 2. If you click on a lucky fairy, you may just get a key or charm! In Magic Mire 1, you can get charms that your pet cannot wear, however. If you get all the keys and charms, you get a giftbox. And, honestly, I do not know what it contains. Same with Alyssa’s Star Challenge. So sorry! By the way, are you actually French? I’m learning French right now!

        • #849100

          Sorry to disappoint you but no. I would love to be French though! I love the French style and their landmarks. Someday, I want to go to France. My friend actually went there after Christmas Day. She said that she got to the top of the Eiffel Tower and since it was windy she felt like she was going to fall off! The reason why I call myself frenchgirl is because my friends know I am so into French things these days so they call me frenchgirl. Though, I would love to know more about France and actually learn French! Is your mom French? I mean, some people actually learn a new language because one of there family members or relative is that culture. Thanks for answering my question anyway! frenchgirl123……………………………………….. P.S. In my name, the 123 part comes from you. I thought it looked pretty with your name. By the way I love your name. How did you come up withsuch a great name?

          • #849237

            Well, what a coincidence that we both love French stuff! Anyway, I came up with my name because I just LOVE iced tea. At least I used to when I created this account. Nowadays I like Chai tea. My mom is not French, however. Or my dad. I always just loved France and Paris and stuff, so I decided to learn French with my mom. Can you friend me on Webkinz? I’m madelinea1.

            • #849668

              Sorry, I can’t add friends on my account right now. Thanks.

            • #854703


              I really like French stuff too! my sister is learning French right now, and I play the French Horn! My parents have gone to Paris, and I really want to go there one day!

    3. #844481


      Oh… THANKS!

      • #858599


        Do you know how to buy webkinz rockerz tickets at the new W-shop?

        • #858653

          Webkinz Rockerz tickets only come at a certain time in the year, and they usually show up at the top right corner. I don’t think that they sell them anymore:( I am still adjusting to the new WShop.

    4. #844128

      juniper 44, this happened because there were different competitors and they had better outfits than the other contest before. The outfits from before were only okay, and the ones in the new contest were better. I hope you understand. Thanks!

    5. #843986


      How does the webkinz stadium work? I was doing a fashion show and the judges gave me a 9 10 9. I got second place w/ that. Then I used the same exact outfit on another competition and my score was 7 6 7 and I got last. How did this happen!?

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