Retired Themes

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Retired Themes

This topic contains 21 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  NinjaMonkeyBurger2000 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #776943

    Now that the Superfan, Bloomin’, and winter themes have been removed for the “season”, does anyone need help finishing a room with those themes? I bought extra. So if you were short on KC, and couldn’t complete your room before they removed these, let me know and I will try to send whatever you are missing. ~MORHB~

    1. #824614


      Hi Mom and Lamb, do you have the winter wonderland TV and sofa? If so that would be great! I have 1 of each item, but need it for an incomplete room! Remember the train and snowy horse bench? i am making like a small winter hideout room! Also does anyone have any Christmas Trees? I would love to have one for this Christmas, like an inside one! Lamb, I sent you your items needed and replied to what I would like off your list, thanks! Peace be with you-Atom

      • #824888


        Hi Atom, I will see what I can send! LT

        • #825286


          Thank you Lamb, everything is greatly appreciated!-Atom Oh and thank you for the gift packages!-Atom

    2. #824514


      By any chance do you have the Lily Pad Room Theme?? My daughter and I have both been looking for it. My UN is Hunnypoo128 and hers is Grizzypoo2. Thank you so very much!!! :)

    3. #824376

      OH MY DOG! I didnt know they got rid of the themes! If you guys, by any chance, have th whole theme, i need every thing exept the bed, dining table and dining chair. I know its alot to ask for almost the whole theme, so i might be willing to trade for some of th more expnsive items :) Im Flower99999 (My sister’s first account)

      • #824460

        NinjaMonkeyBurger2000 I can send you from which theme you need them from nothing needed in return and when you say sister do you mean foxstar2000 great friend on here so anyways which theme do you need and to make it faster ask foxstar if i can send to her and then ave her send to you so you get it even faster i am EmiliaGG on webkinz and foxstar if your reading this ello there

        • #825045

          Hey snowflake, Thanks, i got the firts packege, and are you sure you dont need anything in return?? And, yes i did mean foxstar, flower was her first account but then she got foxstar, so i took flower for my own. And she did say that you were able to send to her and she would send to me, so thanks again.

          • #826287


            • #827617

              Hey snowflake, sorry i havnt been on for a while, we got a virus on our computer, so we wont be back untill it is fixed. thanks for sending the stuff though and i will try to send some thing nice to you to say thanks asap

            • #851786

              Sorry for an over 2 month late reply. I know. Foxxstar keeps me updated. She said she also might be getting a youtube account. If she does how many video’s are you going to interupt her in.

      • #824602

        and tell foxstar I said Happy Halloween

    4. #823717


      Hi Mom and Lamb, if you still have any items from these themes they would be greatly appreciated! I was able to buy most of the themes but my rooms are less than half full. Could you please gift 1 more Superfan rug please?-Atom Will these items come back eventually. I thought that’s what Ganz said but don’t remember!-

      • #824162

        I only have a couple pieces left of the Superfan theme. Are there any specific pieces you are looking for from any of the three themes, or should I just send random pieces? LMK ~mom~

        • #824357


          The themes have become seasonal Atom. And if mom doesn’t have a rug then I do. What other items are you missing? Lamb

        • #824519


          Hi Mom, are we friends already? If not, could you please add me at frogsandfly? I have all the items but need help making a full room so random pieces would be ok. I don’t need anymore lamps, but 1 more couch, and 1 more rug. My friend said something about hottubs, fridges, and stoves from a mystery bag? If you could please send that too, that would be awesome. I have some retired fall fest prizes from 2012, if you would like that. I could send 2 maple leaf prints and maybe something else. What do you need for the couch and rug. I don’t expect the E-store things so thats ok. I probably don’t have anything you want because I haven’t been around for that long. Just a year, so I get everything that like no one needs! LOL! Also check out your dock, because I found 3 E-store items there that I didn’t get from friends! -Peace from Atom.

          • #825623


            Hi atom your friend sent you a hot tub and fridge, from mystery bags. Sorry, can’t find a stove as of now. Not every one has the mystery bag items, they are estore and if they do have might not want to trade them or gift them. But, NP, I sent already. DF

    5. #777452


      That’s very sweet of you MORHB. I grabbed some extras too. I am sure plenty of people will be grateful for the extra items ;) ~LT~

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