searching for swirl!!!

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives searching for swirl!!!

This topic contains 52 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  puppyluver1156 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #89863

    <p>post if you have it and what your looking for :)

    1. #674678



      Before I send you those points, I wanted to ask you…you do know that the chocolate lab PSI is retired right?? I didn’t know that! I don’t want to send the points (because you cant send them back lol) if you didn’t know that the psi for the lab has been retired for like 4 years and might want to re-think the trade….Does this make any sense at all? I usually do 4000 points for a current psi but a retired psi is worth quite a bit in terms of value and I want to make sure you are 100% aware of that :)! I hope you understand why I wanna make sure first :) I hope you’re able to post back to me tonight but if not, I will be watching the forum as close as I can tomorrow for a response when you’re able :) Thanks!!!


    2. #674639


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-10-14 at 02:54 PM

      nuttybuddy~ I just send the psi LMK when you can send the points :)


      Hi :) I can’t believe it, I hope this posts, I haven’t even really been able to get on the newz lol! I am sure I got the KP, I was on but only long enough to do the hour activities, I will make sure I get your points sent tonight :) I can’t wait to log in and see it :P I am all excited, and I am not keeping it lol I am pretty sure I am gifting that psi to a friend (if it’s the right lab psi LOL)…..unless I really like it LOL :P Thanks and I will try to post a post when I have sent them later on :)


    3. #674574

      nuttybuddy~ I just send the psi LMK when you can send the points :)

    4. #674510

      nutty_buddy wrote on 2012-10-13 at 08:45 PM

      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-10-13 at 08:33 PM
      nutty buddy~ sorry I could not post can we trade tomorrow LMK :)

      It’s ok, I know, I was having trouble too lol Yep, tomorrow works, if you wanna add me tonight though (if you’re able) we an at least get that out of the way, if not, then yeah, we can do the trade tomorrow :) I am excited :) oh and if you wanna ask around since im having you send first cuz my part is estore points, ask FF, dogfish, fudgey, sag, friendly, ummm, DQ, mnm, ummm jewels, gosh I can’t think of who else lol but yeah in case thats a concern, those are a few people i trade with often who will tell you I always send my stuff :)

      I trust you it’s ok would you like me to send first? my username is smile657 just tell me when I can send LMK :)

    5. #674471


      puppyluver1156 wrote on 2012-10-13 at 08:33 PM

      nutty buddy~ sorry I could not post can we trade tomorrow LMK :)


      It’s ok, I know, I was having trouble too lol Yep, tomorrow works, if you wanna add me tonight though (if you’re able) we an at least get that out of the way, if not, then yeah, we can do the trade tomorrow :) I am excited :) oh and if you wanna ask around since im having you send first cuz my part is estore points, ask FF, dogfish, fudgey, sag, friendly, ummm, DQ, mnm, ummm jewels, gosh I can’t think of who else lol but yeah in case thats a concern, those are a few people i trade with often who will tell you I always send my stuff :)


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